【PDCA日記 Vol. 25「ナポレオンは書狂だった」】
It is said that books rose as candidates to disappear when the phonograph was invented, but books still exist.
When it became possible to read books on the internet, some people said that "the library will disappear", but at least the library is alive at the moment.
The material to be introduced today "History of Books (Japanese only)" explains French book history, and the following phrases were impressive.
"Books should be bought before reading. Whether you read books or not, you need to buy them first.
This must be how you interact with books. Buy and bring them to the battlefield. But soldiers had no time to read.
So French books have been so fancy with letters, cover pages, illustrations and layouts that you could enjoy the fun of the book without reading it.
The fact that many of the remaining good books were published in France during the Napoleonic era and this is by no means coincidental." (Unquote)
My last school was in France, but there were a lot of books with various covers in the bookstore, and I often visited at weekends.
I am still visiting book stores every Sunday and this habit makes me to be a bibliomania like Napoleon.
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