English follows Japanese.
【 PDCA日記 Vol. 32「授業と現実の違い」】
今回紹介する資料「最後の頭取 北海道拓殖銀行破綻20年後の真実」を読みながら、刑法の授業で聞いた「特別背任」についてのことを思い出しました。
- 作者: 河谷禎昌
- 出版社/メーカー: ダイヤモンド社
- 発売日: 2019/02/07
- メディア: 単行本
- この商品を含むブログを見る
過去に色々とあっても、今を明るく元気に生きることが重要であると改めて感じた一冊でした :-)。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「背任」 = 「breach of trust」>
今回出てきた「背任」の英訳は、「breach of trust」になります。
「Breach」は「違反、不履行」を意味し、「breach of trust」で「信用への不履行」ということで「背任」となるわけですね。
「背任」を日本語で読んだり聞いたりすると、意味が分かりにくいかもしれませんが、「breach of trust」で一緒に覚えておくと、明確で便利ですね :-)。
日本語よりも英語の方が意味がわかりやすいケースが時々ありますが、「背任」と「breach of trust」は、その例かもしれません。
【"PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 32 "Difference between Class & Reality"】
I sometimes feel the difference between what the professor mentioned during my student days and the actual business scenes.
While reading the material to be introduced today “The last head of Japanese bank”, it reminded me about the scheme of "breach of trust" in the criminal law class.
"Breach of trust" is one of the property crimes when senior persons who are in important positions in organization, such as CEO, act against his / her duties for the purpose of pursuing the profits by damaging the organization.
I asked in a criminal law class to the professor that “Bank executives have been providing loans that had a high possibility of becoming bad loans after the collapse of the bubble economy in Japan around 1990. Could these seniors be guilty as breach of trust?"
That professor clearly replied that "No, they could not be. Because, breach of trust would be admitted when these seniors had clear intentions to damage the organization."
Some executives at financial institutions were charged with for the occurrence of huge bad debts due to the bursting of the bubble, but only the author of this book, Mr. Kawatani, was imprisoned due to breach of trust.
The professor who replied to me 20 years ago was generally correct, but I felt that there was an exception to anything by reading this book.
Let's function PDCA today!