PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 38「どうしたらうまくいくかを考える」/ "Think how it works"

English follows Japanese.


PDCA日記 Vol. 38「どうしたらうまくいくかを考える」】


先日、起業される予定の方とPDCAカフェに行った際、「Mr. PDCAが自営を始める時に意識していたことはありますか?」という質問がありました。




自営を始めた際、「2年連続で赤字になったら撤退する」ことを予め決めていました(幸運なことに、1年目から黒字化しました :-)。



















P.S. 本書を読みながら、私が銀行を退職した際にとても偉い方から言われた以下内容を思い出しました。















< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「通勤 = commuting」>






日本独特の商慣習である「通勤費」は「commuting expenses」になり、海外で会社勤めをしている人に説明をすると、「なぜ遠くから通っている人に多くのお金が支給されるのだ?」と不思議に思われることがあります。


海外で通勤に長時間かける人が少ない背景には、通勤費がないということがあるかもしれませんね(Mr. PDCAも、ニューヨークでは徒歩通勤だったなぁ~👟)。 



【"PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 38 "Think how it works"】


When I went in touch with one colleague, he asked me, "Does Mr. PDCA have anything in mind when you were self-employed?"

I answered that "I was constantly conscious of the timing of withdrawal and fixed cost reduction".

When I was self-employed, I decided in advance that "I will stop my business If I can not make profits for 2 consecutive years" (Fortunately, my business was profitable from the first year.

Regarding the reduction of fixed costs, I was always remembering stories of my family and relatives who were facing challenges when they started their own businesses.

In my case, my brother is running an advertising agency, my sister is an owner of the Italian restaurant, and my cousin has a second-hand bookstore, but all of them were saying that they were struggling with fixed costs such as store fees, etc.

Since I was providing a project management consulting service, the real shop was unnecessary.

I could get into the office of the client and this was a major reason for turning it into profitable from the first year, because I didn't have to pay fixed costs for renting stores.

Also, when I was doing business alone, "Commuting time" was a fixed cost as well, so I limited the client bases only in the central Tokyo area, and this strategy worked well and it was one of the reasons my business went well from the beginning.

Material to be introduced today "Why do capable people have enough money and time?" explains a mechanism to generate money without being wielded by salary from employers and the following phrases were impressive.

“Free people are always thinking about how it works.

On the other hand, people who are economically exploited think that they can't do anything before they challenge." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!
