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P.S. 私の最初の上司だったKさんが言った 「南極観測隊に冷蔵庫を売る」 は、「イヌイットに冷蔵庫を売る」というフレーズで使わることが多いようです(Kさんは誤解していたようです。大変厳しい方だったので、指摘できなかったけれど :-)。
イヌイットの家の中は暖房が入っているため、冷蔵庫を使うまでは、外の氷に穴を掘って、そこで食品を保存していたようです(天然の冷凍庫ですね :-)。
イヌイットよりも冷蔵庫を売るのが難しいのは、私ことMr. PDCAでしょう(冷蔵庫を9年間使っていないため)。
この季節になると、ベランダに食品を出しておいても問題ないため、メーカーの人が「こういう最新機能を備えた冷蔵庫はいかがですか?」と営業に来られても、私は「ベランダで冷やしていますので、間に合っています。9年間冷蔵庫を使っていませんが、不便はありません」と断ることになるでしょう :-)。
「変人こと Mr. PDCA に冷蔵庫を売る」メーカーが登場すれば、新たなイノベーションが起こるかもしれませんね :-)。
「冬がはじまるよ~♪ ホラまた僕の側で~♪」- 槇原 敬之 -
「食品を冷やせるよ~♪ 家のベランダで~♪」- Mr. PDCA -
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「南極」 = 「Antarctic」>
なお、「北極」の英訳は、「Arctic」です :-)。
ちなみに、「南極点」は「South Pole」であり、「北極点」は「North Pole」になります🐧。
When I was working at bank, my first manager, Mr. K told me that "If you can sell refrigerators to the Antarctic Observation party, you will be admitted as a professional sales representative!"
When I looked it up, everything was in the Antarctic Observation party, and they have cuisines around the world rather than refrigerator.
At the time I explained this fact to Mr. K, he replied as follows.
"Shut up! 'Selling a fridge to the Antarctic Observation party' is a metaphor on the meaning of 'Creating demand for places where there is little demand'. You should notice it!"
The material to be introduced today, "Antarctica: An Intimate Portrait of the World's Most Mysterious Continent" was written by a British nonfiction writer, and the following descriptions about PDCA are impressive.
"The crew of Amundsen (The first crew to arrive at the South Pole on December 14, 1911) decided to leave early spring, but it was too early.
The climate was too cold, and the dogs faced terrible challenges." (Unquote)
Amundsen prepared the plan (Plan) and implemented it (Do), and it didn't work well.
Therefore, Amundsen conducted a root cause analysis (Check), and introduced preventive measures (Action), then started moving to the South Pole again.
"As a result, dogs recovered successfully, the good weather helped the crew, the snow was solid, and Amundsen and his members had plenty of time and food to the Antarctic." (Unquote)
Various challenges will occur both for Observation to the South pole and to reach business goals, but in order not to repeat the same mistake, the most important thing is to analyze "Why it happened?" appropriately.
Let's function PDCA today!
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Antarctica: An Intimate Portrait of the World's Most Mysterious Continent (English Edition)
- 作者: Gabrielle Walker
- 出版社/メーカー: Bloomsbury Publishing
- 発売日: 2012/03/01
- メディア: Kindle版
- この商品を含むブログを見る
P.S. My first manager, Mr. K said "Sell refrigerators to the Antarctic Observation Party", but what he meant was that "Sell fridges to Inuit" (Mr. K misunderstood, but I could not point out, because he was a very strict boss :-).
Inuit are indigenous people who live in ice and snow areas, and refrigerators seem unnecessary, but with the idea of "There will be no freezing needs, but there are refrigerated needs", and a saying of "Selling refrigerators to Inuit" was created.
Selling refrigerators to Mr. PDCA (me) must be more difficult than Inuit, because I can put food in the veranda in this season.
If the manufacturer says, "How about a fridge with such a latest function?", I will refuse by saying "Food can be chilled in the veranda, I don't need it."
If manufacturers invented new refrigerators which can be sold to Mr. PDCA, new innovations may occur :-).