PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 115「マラソン全コース中継が始まった理由」/ "Why all marathon course broadcast started"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 115「マラソン全コース中継が始まった理由」】

来年開催される東京五輪が話題になっていますが、陸上競技ではメダルの可能性があるマラソンに注目があつまっています(色々な意味で :-)。












PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください :-)。https://twitter.com/MPdca



P.S. オリンピック史上初のマラソン二連覇を果たしたアベベですが、1968年のメキシコシティ五輪では途中でかかとを負傷して棄権になります。





< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「二連覇する」=「win two consecutive times」>


今回出てきた「二連覇する」を英語にする場合、「win two consecutive times」がしっくりきます。


アベベは史上初のオリンピック・マラソン二連覇チャンピオンである」を英訳すると、「Abebe is the first marathon two consecutive times champion in Olympic history」という感じでしょうか :-)。

PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 115 "Why all marathon course broadcast started"】


People in Japan are now talking how they would get Tokyo Olympics game tickets which is coming next year and the marathon is quite popular, because Japanese athletes are likely to win medals.


The material to be introduced today “Heroes & Heroines of Modern Olympics" depicts the lives of 19 Olympic medalists.


Olympic medalists were considered to be successful in the field of sports, but each of them has various private lives and the following phrase was impressive.


"The first TV broadcasting of the full marathon race was in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, and so it became possible with a mini-satellite relay that was used by helicopters." (Unquote)


Until 1964 Tokyo Olympics, only the start and goal points were broadcast on TV and other games were aired during the middle points of marathon.


Ethiopian marathon runner, Abebe Bikila became the first marathon two consecutive times champion in 1960 Rome and 1964 Olympics.


Abbe became pretty popular in 1964 Tokyo Olympics, because he was the first marathon runner who was being broadcast more than 2 hours in TV in human history :-).


Let's function PDCA today!   


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