PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 134「ブランドは社員から生まれる」/ "Brand will be born from employees"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 134「ブランドは社員から生まれる」】





















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「好き」の設計図 ~伸び続ける会社のブランディングはどこが違うのか~

「好き」の設計図 ~伸び続ける会社のブランディングはどこが違うのか~



P.S. 従来のマーケティング戦略では、「AIDMA(アイドマ)」が重視されてきましたが、インターネットが普及している昨今では、シェアを経由する「AISAS(アイサス)」という購買プロセスをたどることが多いと言われています。










「ブランドは社員から生まれる」とはよく言ったもので、私も同感ですね :-)。


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「抽象的な」=「abstract」>




「企業というのは、世の中に特定の価値を提供するために存在する、ある意味で抽象的な存在だ」を英語にする場合、「A company is an abstract entity in a sense that exists to provide a certain value to the world.」とすればよいですね :-)。

PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 134 "Brand will be born from employees"】


One of the interesting things about starting a self-employed consultant was the opportunity to go to various company offices.


The location, interior, and atmosphere of the office have a great influence on the company's brand construction.


I also think that the dress code influences the brand, and in a company where everyone is wearing a business suit, process and mechanism tend to be bureaucratic.


The material to be introduced today “Blueprints of Like (Japanese only)” has a catchphrase of “Let others tell what you really want to tell” and the following phrases were impressive in the part “Brand will be born from employees”.


“A company is an abstract entity that exists in a sense to provide a certain value to the world.


However, for customers and business partners, those who are involved, such as the sales clerk at the sales floor and Mr. Yamada, the sales representative, are companies.


No matter how much a supermarket store puts a poster that says 'We value customers', if the store clerk's attitude is arrogant, the image would be terrible.


Brand will be born from employees.


The idea of ​​the brand has permeated the individual employees, and it has been reflected in daily business.


For the first time, the brand image is transmitted to the outside as something with a real situation." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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