PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 137「隠密同心とプロジェクト管理」/ "Special Forces & Project Management"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 137「隠密同心とプロジェクト管理




今でも年末になると、「大江戸捜査網」がテレビ東京で放映されることがあり、「時は寛政、老中、松平定信の時代、江戸の庶民を守るため、悪者どもをこらしめる5人の隠密同心が旗本寄合席、内藤勘解由(かげゆ)の下に結集した」というセリフでドラマが始まり、「ターターターターターター♪」という特徴的な音楽が流れ、「死して屍拾うものなし」というナレーションで終わります(年末年始の東京は静かで好きです :-)。























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自動車会社が消える日 (文春新書)

自動車会社が消える日 (文春新書)



P.S. 2011年に私はプロジェクト管理の仕事を始めたのですが、大江戸捜査網の隠密同心の仕事に近いと感じています。




ただ、隠密同心と違うところは、周りにサポートしてくれる人が多いことですね :-)。


「死して屍拾うものなし」- 井坂十蔵 (隠密同心の主要メンバー ) -


「サポートしてくれる人が結構いて助かっています」- Mr. PDCA -


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「人材」 = 「human resource」>


今回出てきた「人材」に該当する英語はなかなか見当たりませんが、「human resource」が一つの表現方法になります。


「業務は社内の人材発掘である」を英訳すると、「The task is to find human resources within the company」になりますね :-)。


自動車会社が消える日 (文春新書)

自動車会社が消える日 (文春新書)




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 137 "Special Forces & Project Management"

When I was a elementary school student, I stayed for a long time at my grandmother's house during the summer vacation.


At that time, I often watched the TV drama "Edo investigation network".


This program is focusing on the special forces during Edo period (1603 - 1868) in Japan, and they were dedicating to work for Edo bakufu government.


Since they were special units, no one will helped them when something happend, therefore, at the last part of the TV program, the narator is saying that "No one never helps them at anytime!"


I was a small child at that time, so I was excited and thought that "It must be tough job, but looks very challenging!"


The material to be introduce today "The day the car company disappears (Japanese only)" is a book that explains how the automobile industry will change in the future.


This material contains many facts and described about Nissan Motors which is currently being focused all over the world and the following phrases were impressive.



There are several employees called "Internal secret specialists" in Nissan, those are officially referred to as "Career Coach".


They are belonging to the Human Resources department, but they are not under the control of the HR department manager.


Most members of Career Coach have experienced director positions in major departments such as planning, research and development, sales, etc.


Their task is to find talent in the company." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. In 2011, I started project management job, and I feel that my task is close to the special forces during Edo era.


I have been involved with management challenges and at the time of completion, no one knew my achievement and I disappeared.


However, there are many people who support me, and my current project management job is different from the special forces on this point :-).
