PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 187「奴隷貿易がなければアフリカは発展していた?」/ "Was Africa developed if there was no slave trade?"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 187奴隷貿易がなければアフリカは発展していた?


「歴史に『もし』は禁句」と言われますが、「ダメ」と言われるとチャレンジしたくなるのが、人間というものです(「無理だ」と言われると、挑戦したくなる私 :-)。





















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P.S. 現在も混乱が続くハイチから、ドミニカ共和国に脱出する人が数多くいるらしく、元々移民国家であったドミニカは多様性が更に進んでいるとのことです。






この辺りのことも含めて、今回紹介する資料「歴史は実験できるのか」は、非常に興味深い一冊でした :-)。


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「凌駕する」 = 「surpass」>




「彼の情熱は能力を凌駕した」と表現する場合、「His passion surpassed his ability」とすればよいですね :-)。



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 187 "Was Africa developed if there was no slave trade?"
When we talk about history, we are not supposed to mention "if".
However, some people have been challenging to say "if" about history by using statistical methods such as comparative research and natural experiments.


The material to be introduced today “Natural Experiments of History” challenged the possibility of new history research by historians and economists about past events


Since I was originally a banker, I am interested in the verification of the economic development by colonial rule in this comparative study.


In particular, I felt that the comparative study on economic development between Haiti and the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea is worth reading.


Since the 17th century, Haiti began to be occupied by France and Dominica started to be ruled by Spain, but at that time, Haiti was a powerful country that surpassed Dominica.


However, Haiti currently falls into one of the poorest countries in the world, and political and economic turmoil continues due to natural disasters and epidemics.


On the other hand, the Dominican Republic is considered to be a peaceful country in Latin America, and the average per capita income is now 6 times bigger than that of Haiti.


According to "Natural Experiments of History", the difference between Haiti's poverty and the stability of the Dominican Republic is attributed to the rule of the French and Spanish rulers.


This book also states that “Africa had developed if there was no slave trade” and I am truly impressed with this hypothesis.


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Natural Experiments of History

Natural Experiments of History


