PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 201「オンラインとオフラインの融合」/ "Fusion of Online & Offline"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 201「オンラインとオフラインの融合












今回紹介する資料「テクノロジーの地政学 シリコンバレー vs 中国、新時代の覇者たち」は、今後のゲームチェンジャー候補となりそうな注目スタートアップを取り上げながら各産業の未来を展望しており、「オンラインとオフラインの融合戦略を進める注目企業」部分のアマゾンGoに関する以下フレーズが印象的でした。















ただ、アマゾンのようにチャレンジを続けている企業が、日本からも是非出て欲しいですね :-)。




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テクノロジーの地政学 シリコンバレー vs 中国、新時代の覇者たち

テクノロジーの地政学 シリコンバレー vs 中国、新時代の覇者たち

P.S. 本書でもう一点印象的だったのは、AIのアルゴリズムに関する以下の記載です。






重要なのは、経営者の判断と目利き力ということですね :-)。


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「目利き」 = 「connoisseur」>




ボンジュール英語を続けていると、初めて目にする英単語が時々ありますが、「connoisseur」もその一つになりました :-)。



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 201 "Fusion of Online & Offline"

I lived abroad in the United States 25 years ago, and I feel that an express lane at supermarket was pretty convenient.


There is a difference depending on the supermarket, but if the number of items to be purchased is liken "less than 8 items", you can go to the express lane with few queues so that shopping can be completed quickly.


When I went to France 10 years ago, I saw express lanes at some supermarkets, but I don't feel like there were as many as America.


In case of the United States, people are buying items for one to two weeks worth of food at the supermarket, so I think that express lane has developed in America, I suppose.


The material to be introduced today “Technology Geopolitics Silicon Valley vs China: New Age Champions (Japanese only)” is foreseeing each industry, highlighting the startups that are likely to become potential game changers in the future.


The following phrases related to Amazon Go in the “Focus Company Advances Fusion Strategy” part were impressive.


“The cameras and sensors in the store (Amazon Go) are prepared with ready-made products.


Consideration has also been given to system development and installation costs.


However, it seems that the first store has thousands of cameras and sensors attached, and it would be necessary to inject a capital investment in the range of 100 million to 1 billion US dollars just by creating one Amazon Go store.


Currently, hiring a part-time workers would definitely cheaper than the unmanned stores.


Even so, given the high level of operational capabilities of Amazon, I think we would be able to find a way to further reduce costs when developing multiple stores." (Unquote)


In Japan, the number of items at supermarkets is not as large as in the United States, so just as the express lane doesn't become popular, stores like Amazon Go may not appear soon in Tokyo or Osaka.


However, I hope that companies like Amazon will appear from Japan :-).


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