PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 203「読みと大局観」/ "Reading Ahead & Sight of the Big Picture"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 203「読みと大局観






今回紹介する資料「「次の一手」はどう決まるか: 棋士の直観と脳科学」は、プロ棋士の考えを科学的に分析した資料で、「読みと大局観」部分の以下のフレーズが印象的でした。
















「自分が世界を変えてみせる!」と本気で思っている学生達と、「経営者になって世の中に良い影響を与えろ!」と叫ぶ教授陣に囲まれて、年がら年中議論をしていると、普通の人間である私(Mr. PDCAのことよ :-) ですら「自分も何かできるのでは?」と思った(勘違いした?)くらいだから不思議なものです。


「朱に交われば赤くなる」とはよく言ったものだと感じながら、「ビジネスも人生も、結局は周りの人で決まるのかもしれないなぁ~」と呑気に構えている自分がいるのでした :-)。




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「次の一手」はどう決まるか: 棋士の直観と脳科学

「次の一手」はどう決まるか: 棋士の直観と脳科学


P.S. 将棋の専門家であるプロ棋士は、「1つの局面について、30手から50手ずつを3通りくらい考える」と言われています。






合理的な判断をするために最も効率的な訓練は、読書だと思いながら、私が毎日一冊ずつ本を読む生活は、今年で10年目に入ったのでした :-)。


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「大局観」 = 「sight of the big picture」>


今回出てきた「大局観」の英訳は、「sight of the big picture」になります。


また、「先を読む」と英訳する場合、「read ahead」とすればよいですね :-)。



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 203 "Reading Ahead & Sight of the Big Picture"

When I was studying at Business School in France, one professor who used to be an entrepreneur repeatedly mentioned that "All of you must become CEO with sight of the big picture."


Education is very influential, and most of the students who were on that professor's course become CEO.


The material to be introduced today "How to decide the next step (Japanese only)" is scientifically analyzing professional Shogi (Japanese chess) players' train of thought, and the following phrase was impressive.

"Movement of pieces is literally whether pieces are working or not.


When there are many pieces being worked, it will be advantageous and this is exactly same as business.


If there are many employees who are not working, it will be disadvantageous, because that company must pay inefficient labor costs.


Unlike chess, when you play Shogi, it is possible to take the opponent's piece and use it as your own piece.


Therefore, Shogi pieces will become assets of opponent when taken.


If there are pieces that are not working on the board, they will be cost just like business."  (Unquote)

From the end of the 15th century to the early 16th century, Japan was in the age of civil wars.


At that time, Admirals are said to like playing Shogi.


In case of winning in battle, the opponent's soldiers became their own subordinates like Shogi at that time.


Therefore, the circumstances of Shogi board might be the best for then Admirals to simulate the strategy.


Considering the simulation of business, some Japanese CEOs are saying that "Important things are experience, intuition and courage."


Other CEOs are mentioning that "Going Business School will be good opportunity for simulation by analyzing the cases."


One of the merits of going to Business School is "Being wrapped in positive atmosphere", I suppose.


There are students who seriously think that "I am changing the world!" at Business School.


In addition, faculty members are always shouting that "Become CEO and make a positive impact on the world!" there.


Although I am an ordinary person, I felt that "I may be able to do something" at that time, so Business School must be a very interesting and influential world.


There is a proverb that "He who touches pitch shall be defiled" and it applies to my school days in France :-).


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. It is said that professional Shogi players will anticipate 30 to 50 steps ahead in each situation.


In case of business, we have to analyze multiple options under circumstances that change every moment.


The professor introduced above said that "Even an excellent CEO can not make a correct management decision. You can only make a rational judgment based on information that is currently available."


In order to make a rational judgment, the most efficient training is reading, I suppose :-).
