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P.S. いつも思うのですが、裁判所の判決文は読みにくいですよね。
裁判官によって違うのでしょうが、私が学生時代に教授から言われた「良い文章とは、誰が読んでも分かる文章である」という教えに、裁判所も耳を傾けて欲しいものですね :-)。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「時効」 = 「the statute of limitations」>
今回出てきた「時効」の英訳は、「the statute of limitations」になります。
「あの事件は時効が成立した」を英語にする場合、「That case has passed the statute of limitations」とすればよいですね :-)。
The material to be introduced today "Invitation to Law and Psychology (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase of "Introducing the world of legal psychology living in everyday life" and the following phrases were impressive in the part "Mind Control by Religion".
"There is no end to the consequences of religious mine and control, such as making unjustly large donations or buying things that are not worth the price.
Again, the limitation of extinction may be a problem, but the following judgment in the Tokyo Court is a judgment that takes into account the characteristics of mind control by religion.
'Since a fraudulent or intimidating solicitation in a religious act can not be recognized as an illegal act as long as the religious act is accepted as part of the doctrine, the psychological state of worshiping the doctrine in the religion As long as the period continues, the statute of limitations should not progress, and when the plaintiffs were released from the right mental state, they learned from the media reports and other sources that they knew the existence of a defense lawyer, Probably at the time of consultation'." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
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