ある人は、「Mr. PDCAはそんなに甘味を食べているのに太りませんね」とコメントしていました。
PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください :-)。https://twitter.com/MPdca
P.S. 私の場合、「楽しく生きる」ことが最重要ですので、「食べたいものを食べられない」ストレスを抱えることは、大きなチャレンジになります。
毎日美味しいものを食べるだけでも気分転換になりますので、チャレンジを抱えている人は、「食べたいものを食べたいだけ食べて、その分を運動する日」を設定するとよいですね :-)。
I love sweets such as cakes, and I often put something in my mouth.
One commented, "Mr. PDCA eats so much sweetness, but you don't gain weight, do you?"
I live under the motto "Eat what I want to eat".
Since I am exercising more than calories coming to my body, my weight has not changed for 20 years.
The material introduced today "Removing body fat / Creating a tight body (Japanese only)'' has a catchphrase of "Working muscle training / muscle training that does not work'' and the following phrases were impressive in the part of "Why calories in Japanese sweets are low''.
"While Japanese sweets have a sweet taste, they do not have much calories.
For example, Daifuku Mochi has a calorie of 235kcal per 100g, which is significantly lower than that of cake because the fat is as low as 0.5g (5kcal).
Western confectionery that contains a lot of fat does not lose much calories even if its sweetness (carbohydrate) is modest.
It is only calorie intake that leads to body fat accumulation and obesity.
If you're on a diet, try to check your calorie and fat intake, regardless of the taste of the food." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
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