PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

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PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 279「社会福祉が低成長の原因?」/ "Is social welfare a cause of low growth?"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 279社会福祉が低成長の原因?」


健康保険などの社会保障の仕組みは、1880年代のドイツで原型が作られたと今回紹介する資料「福祉世界 - 福祉国家は越えられるか」は述べています




この話は過去のPDCA日記でも紹介しましたが、この教授によると、失業保険や 生活保護があることで、仕事を失っても先進国では人間が生きていけます。
















人類が社会保障の仕組みを構築した背景を説明している本書を読むことで、民主主義の原点について色々と考えられるかもしれません :-)。




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福祉世界 - 福祉国家は越えられるか (中公選書)

福祉世界 - 福祉国家は越えられるか (中公選書)




P.S. 私がフランスに留学していた頃、ある新興国から来た留学生がこんなことを言っていました。


















この状況をどう打開するかが、人類に課せられた大きなチャレンジかもしれませんね :-)。


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「社会福祉」 = 「social welfare


今回出てきた「社会福祉」の英訳は、「social welfare」になります。


社会福祉が、低成長の原因であるという意見がある」を英語で表現する場合、「Some say that social welfare is the cause of low growth」とすればよいですね :-)。


福祉世界 - 福祉国家は越えられるか (中公選書)

福祉世界 - 福祉国家は越えられるか (中公選書)



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 279 "Is social welfare a cause of low growth?"】

The material introduced today "Welfare World: Can the Welfare State Be Overcome? (Japanese only)" reiterates that the original form of social security systems such as health insurance was created in Germany in the 1880s.


It is not surprising that the social security system has taken shape in democratized Europe, but a professor during my business school days said that social security is a system that protects the wealthy people and government.


This story was introduced in the past PDCA diary, but according to this professor, with unemployment insurance and livelihood protection, a system that can live even if you lose work has been built.


Therefore, you will not be dissatisfied with society and it seems that some people have lost the incentive to launch revolutions.


I'm not sure if it's true, but when I heard this professor's opinion, I felt "I see".


Unlike the latter half of the 19th century, when social security began to be in place, taxpayers are no longer able to modify the social security system.


As in Japan, elderly people are spending more taxes in developed countries.


The basic principle of democracy is that taxpayers decide how to use taxes, but since the French Revolution in the 18th century, this principle, which has been stubbornly protected, is about to collapse due to a declining birthrate and an aging population.


In that sense, humankind can be said to be at a major turning point.


By reading this book, which explains the context in which humankind built the social security system, you may think a lot about the origins of democracy :-).


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