PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 323「禁酒法と女性参政権」/ "Prohibition Law & Women's Suffrage"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 323禁酒法と女性参政権」】




















映画「ビリーブ 未来への大逆転」は、女性としてアメリカで2番目に最高裁判所判事になったルース・ベイダー・ギンズバーグがモデルになっており、彼女が弁護士時代に挑んだ男女平等裁判に関する実話に基づいて、物語が描かれています。


ビリーブ 未来への大逆転 [Blu-ray]

ビリーブ 未来への大逆転 [Blu-ray]







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麻薬とは何か―「禁断の果実」五千年史 (新潮選書)

麻薬とは何か―「禁断の果実」五千年史 (新潮選書)



P.S. 今年(2020年)はアメリカで大統領選挙が実施されますが、ヒラリー・クリントン国務長官のコメントをアメリカのメディアが報じることがあります。












世論調査などで大方の予想は当たるものですが、2016年の大統領選挙のようなこともありますので、できるだけ多くの人が投票に行くことが重要になりますね :-)。


<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「参政権 」=「suffrage」>










「19th Amendment to the United States Constitution gave suffrage to women in 1920(合衆国憲法修正第19条は、1920年に女性に参政権を与えた。)」



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 323 "Prohibition Law & Women's Suffrage"】


Recently, more and more countries and regions are treating marijuana as legal and according to the material to be introduced today "What is a drug (Japanese only)" explains that the United States prohibited drugs by lay in the first time in the 19th century in the world.


Then, the US government enacted Prohibition law in order to ban drinking alcohol in 1919.


This book described the scenes in the 19th-century America where the churches strictly disposed drunk people and started restricting alcohol.


In 1873, women in the state of Ohio led the Prohibition Act, and interestingly, this book explains that this has led to women's suffrage as follows.

"Tough American women became aware of social activities and gained confidence in the 19th century.


Active women founded the Women's National Christian Prohibition Alliance, and this alliance has broadened social activities such as women's enlightenment and education.


As a result, the activity will be realized in 1920 as the approval of the women's suffrage by 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution.


It was the year after the Prohibition Act (1919) was enacted." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. This year, the presidential election will be held in the United States, but the US media reported Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's comments now and then.


Ms. Clinton could not break the United States' highest and strongest glass ceiling in 2016, and the male President seems to be more likely to come in 2020 again.


The President of the United States is described as "The most influential human being in the world".


The President has the power to nominate the Supreme Court Justices of the United States in addition to being the chief commander of the world's strongest American army.


US Supreme Court Justices are for life and have no retirement ages.


The US President can only be in the White House for up to 8 years (up to 10 years in special cases), but he or she has the great power to nominate the Supreme Court Justices in order to influence the American society for a very long time.


I wish more and more professionals in overseas offices would become members or followers of the below project for the smooth communication :-).
