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< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「中世」 = 「medieval」>
「デカメロンに見る中世のペスト」を英語で表現する場合、「Medieval plague in Decameron」とすればよいですね :-)。
【PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 362 "Medieval Plague in Decameron"】
The material introduced today "Humanity & Illness (Japanese only)" explains "Infectious diseases and health disparities seen from international politics", and the following phrases were impressive in the part "Medieval plague in Decameron".
"Decameron was written based on what Boccaccio saw and heard in Florence, and it is possible to clearly understand the state of human society facing the plague more than 600 years ago.
Even though the scientific mechanism has not been clarified, attempts were made to explain the phenomenon in which a large number of people died, and two general theories appeared.
The first is the miasma theory, which believes that illness is mediated by spoiled food and air pollution.
Decameron is the story of those who fled to the outskirts of Florence to escape Miasma.
Another theory is the infection theory.
This theory is that when the plague is inhaled, it collects in the heart and lungs in the body, toxins are metamorphosed, and others who inhale the toxins become infected.
Since it is considered to be transmitted from person to person, isolation and quarantine of patients are emphasized as countermeasures." (Unquote)
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