【PDCA日記 Vol. 486「テレワークは同調バイアスで普及した?」】
そのため、「日本社会がようやく私に追い付いてきたか」という感じですね :-)。
自分以外に大勢の人がいる状況の中では、とりあえず周囲に合わせる心理状況を社会心理学の用語で『同調バイアス(syntony bias)』と呼ぶ。
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P.S. 私は毎日早朝散歩をしているのですが、屋外でも多くの人がマスクをしてランニングをしています。
そうすることで、何とかバランスを保つことができると考えています :-)。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「同調バイアス」=「syntony bias」>
今回出てきた「同調バイアス」の英訳は、「syntony bias」になります。
「テレワークは同調バイアスで普及した?」を英語にする場合、「Has WFH become popular with syntony bias?」とすればよいですね :-)。
The material "Corporate Management as a global citizen (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase "The era of planetary companies", and the following phrases were impressive in the part "social common capital in the after-corona era".
"The spread of the coronavirus has caused companies to instruct employees to work from home (WFH), and WFH and web conferencing have spread all at once.
Physical contact between people, such as meetings and interviews, and the movement of people for that purpose were also forcibly suppressed.
Even before the spread of the corona infection, many companies had introduced discretionary labor systems and flextime systems.
Although WFH was possible, many companies had limited choices.
In a situation where there are many people other than yourself, the psychological situation that adjusts to the surroundings is called 'syntony bias' in social psychology terms.
If there were few people around me who were teleworking, it would have been difficult to make a choice.
Originally, pursuing the maximum results with the minimum transaction cost is a rational action to improve the efficiency of corporate management.
Physical movements associated with commuting and business trips do not add value, so transaction costs should be minimized.
The previously neglected costs have been forcibly reduced, if at all, to save lives due to the spread of the virus infection.
Improving efficiency on the premise of a remote environment where people work in remote locations and expanding the use of automation systems that do not involve humans as much as possible in offices is rational even in management after the infection has subsided.
It is magnificent with the spread of corona infection that many people can actually change the state of commuting for more than an hour one way every day without doubt due to "conformity bias" or with giving up and thinking. Proven by social experiment.
Regardless of the corona infection, the work style that presupposes long commuting was the alienation itself and was the object to be reformed.
The promotion of DX (Digital Transformation) must be an opportunity to restore humanity above all."(Unquote)
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