PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

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PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 540「リバースモーゲージは相続人がいない人のための制度」/ "Reverse mortgages are a system for people without heirs"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 540リバースモーゲージは相続人がいない人のための制度」】


























































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P.S. 日本では余り普及していないリバースモーゲージですが、アメリカでは幅広く利用されています。




アメリカには、「住宅資産転換融資制度(Home Equity Conversion Mortgage:以下、HECM)」があるため、連邦政府の保証に基づいて、リバースモーゲージが期中返済不要・追加返済不要が可能になっているのです。









< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「相続人」=「heir」>




リバースモーゲージは相続人がいない人のための制度」を英語にする場合、「Reverse mortgages are a system for people without heirs」とすればよいですね😊。  







PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 540 "Reverse mortgages are a system for people without heirs"】


The material introduced today "Inheritance for Singles: 4 measures (Japanese only)" explains how singles should cope with inheritance in Japan" and the following phrases were impressive in the part "Reverse mortgages are a system for people without heirs".


"In case you don't want to sell your real estate before you get a profit from the sale, which will increase your income tax and residence tax.


And for those who find it difficult to move, there is a way to use the reverse mortgage system.


The reverse mortgage is a loan system that allows you to borrow living expenses for old age in a lump sum or in the form of a fixed payment, using your real estate as collateral.


Each bank, prefectural social welfare council, Japan Housing Finance Agency, etc. are implementing reverse mortgage in Japan.


It is mainly available to middle-aged and older people aged 55 or 60 and over (some institutions have no age limit).


Most real estates that can be used as collateral is a house (owned by the land and building), but depending on the creditor, it may be possible to use a condominium.


In the reverse mortgage system, the creditor (bank, etc.) sets a root mortgage on the borrower's home real estate, and the borrower receives a loan within the maximum amount (loan facility).


The reverse mortgage loan facility is determined according to the real estate valuation at the time of contract.


Many banks evaluate collateral mainly on land that does not deteriorate over time in Japan, and make it within 50% to 70% of the land evaluation value.


Similar to a general mortgage, but a mortgage is a system that repays the first borrowed amount every month.


While a reverse mortgage allows you to continue to borrow the amount within the credit line. In principle, no repayment is required during life.


After the borrower's death, the home real estate provided for the revolving mortgage will be sold for lump-sum repayment (the method of repayment depends on the creditor).


<Advantages of reverse mortgages>


The content is slightly different for each creditor or each plan proposed by the creditor, so it cannot be said unconditionally, but reverse mortgages have the following merits.


In particular, the following (6) is a great advantage for those who have no heirs.


1. You can continue to live at home while you are alive, and there is no need for troublesome relocation.


2.You can borrow the required amount when and when you need it, within the loan facility set for each borrower.


3. While you are alive, you do not need to repay monthly (if interest is also included in the loan amount), or you can repay only interest.


4. Elderly people with mortgage debt may be able to significantly reduce their repayment burden by refinancing with a reverse mortgage.


5. There are two types of use of funds, free type and limited type, which differ depending on the conditions. If it is a freestyle, it can be used not only for living expenses but also for travel expenses, gourmet expenses, expenses for hobbies and entertainment, and lump-sum payments for elderly homes. However, even if it is freestyle, it is not possible to borrow for business or investment purposes.


6. When the borrower dies, the inheritance begins, and the real estate belonging to the heir will be sold, which will be used for repayment to banks.


The heirs will not be able to live in the house, and if there is a gain on sale, the heirs will be obliged to pay the transfer income tax and residence tax.


In this way, reverse mortgages are more or less detrimental to the heirs, so older people with heirs need the consent of the borrower's heirs to apply for reverse mortgages.


However, for those who have no heirs, the above hassle is not at all.


For this reason, people who have no heirs are often said to be "suitable" for using reverse mortgages." (Unquote)


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