PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 564「目の前の現実を疑え」/ "Doubt the reality in front of you"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 564「目の前の現実を疑え」】

PDCAカフェで、「どうして Mr. PDCA は安定した銀行員を辞めて、独立したのですか?」と質問される方がいます。






















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P.S. 一つの組織で長年働くことは悪いことではなく、結果的に成功するケースもあると私は考えています。






一番手っ取り早いのは、外部の人と定期的に会って、自分がずれていないかどうかを確認することですね :-)。


< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「感覚器官」=「sensory organ」>


今回出てきた「感覚器官」の英訳は、「sensory organ」になります。


「人間は感覚器官を通した知覚でしか、世界を知ることができない」を英語にする場合、「Humans can know the world only by perception through sensory organs」とすればよいですね😊


PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 564 "Doubt the reality in front of you"


Some people asked at the PDCA Cafe, "Why did Mr. PDCA leave a stable bank and become independent?"


First of all, it is very suspicious that "the bankers are stable".


Banks are now closing their offices due to cashless waves.


Given these facts, bankers are likely to be less stable and starting their own business may be more stable.


The material to be introduced today "The 15-Minute Philosopher: Ideas to Save Your Life" has a catchphrase of "Essential reading to survive a world without a correct answer" and the following phrases were impressive.


"Kant argued that humans can only know the world through perception through sensory organs and cannot know how close their impressions of things are to real things.


Kant says he doesn't even know if it really exists.


We see what we want to see. However, we cannot know how real it is.


Or, even the meaning of the word reality becomes obscured." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. I think working for many years in the same organization is not a bad thing.


In some cases, staying in the same company could result in success.


However, when almost everyone is in a so-called purebred organization of new graduates, it is often the case that something 'funny' from the outside world is common inside.


As the material "The 15-Minute Philosopher: Ideas to Save Your Life" states, doubting the reality in front of you is also meaningful for balancing.


The quickest way is to meet with outsiders on a regular basis to see if you're out of place😊.

