PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 580「お客様第一主義の呪縛」/ "Curse by customer first"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 580「お客様第一主義の呪縛」








今回紹介する資料「対面・電話・メールまで クレーム対応「完全撃退」マニュアルは、「モンスタークレーマーはこれで断ち切れる!」をキャッチフレーズにしており、「お客様第一主義の呪縛」部分の以下フレーズが印象的でした。












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P.S. フランスに住んで良かったことの一つに、「お店は閉まっている可能性が高い」という前提で出かけるようになったことです。










< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「呪縛」 = 「curse」>




「お客様第一主義の呪縛」を英語で表現する場合、「Curse by customer first」とすればよいですね😊。




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 580 "Curse by customer first"

Japan is a rare society in a world where everything moves properly, but I think there are considerable costs associated with it.


I go to eateries all over the place and occasionally see customers who are complaining about taste and service.


However, it seems that there are many cases where people who are unlikely to spend money and just they are just complaining.


As mentioned in the past PDCA diary, choosing a high pricing can as a business owner would be a way to prevent "Monster Customer".


The material to be introduced today “Complete repulsion manual for face-to-face, telephone, and e-mail complaints (Japanese only)” has a catchphrase of “Monster Customers can be avoided with this!” and the following phrases were impressive.


"In convenience stores, family restaurants, and the fast food industry, some stores have stopped 24 hours operation in Japan.


These changes are part of a solution to the problem of labor shortages and overwork, but in other words, simply appealing to customers is no longer a viable business.


Even in response to complaints, the conventional "customer first principle" alone should be reconsidered." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. One of the good things about living in France is that I started going out on the premise that the store is likely to be closed.


Recently, it has become possible to check whether the store is open on the web page, but when I lived in France 10 years ago (2010~2011), some shops were closed even though they were supposed to be their business hours.


In Japan, there is an atmosphere that opening shops is a matter of course, but behind that there is the burden of working people there.


If you know this, even if the store is closed, you just feel that it cannot be helped.


I don't think Japan would be nice to be like France, but in a way the Japanese way feels unusual now and then😊.
