【PDCA日記 Vol. 653「手を動かすと、頭も動く」】
今回紹介する資料「ビジネスは「非言語」で動く 合理主義思考が見落としたもの」によると、これは「体重記録型ダイエット」と呼ばれているらしく、以下のように解説しています。
今回紹介する資料「ビジネスは「非言語」で動く 合理主義思考が見落としたもの」は「合理主義思考が見落としたものを追求する」をキャッチフレーズにしています。
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ビジネスは「非言語」で動く 合理主義思考が見落としたもの (アスキー新書)
- 作者: 博報堂ブランドデザイン
- 出版社/メーカー: アスキー・メディアワークス
- 発売日: 2012/08/10
- メディア: 新書
- この商品を含むブログ (1件) を見る
P.S. 実は、「手を動かすと頭も動く」のは、私が毎日感じていることです。
<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英単語「早咲きの 」=「precocious」>
早咲きの桜を英語にすると「precocious cherry blossoms」になり、「precocious」が「早咲きの」という意味になります。
"Precocious cherry blossoms begin to bloom in late January in northern Okinawa.(沖縄北部では1月下旬に早咲きの桜が開花し始めます。)"
In the past PDCA diary, I introduced that "I can maintain my weight by measuring with a scale every day", but according to the material to be introduced today "Business moves in non-verbal (Japanese only)" logically explains this method calling "Weight recording type diet" as follows.
"The weight you record every day is something you usually don't see unless you are conscious.
If you record it repeatedly and make it possible to grasp it by yourself, then you become conscious of the food you take naturally.
Even if you don't think "I need to reduce my diet", etc., you will be able to try to put your diet in a certain amount of calories automatically, and sense how much calorie you take will gain or lose weight.
As a result, even if you are not specifically conscious, you can control you diet "unconsciously", and it will lead to your weight loss." (Unquote)
Also, this book reiterates that "Moving your hands also moves your head", because human thinking power is dramatically improved by thinking while moving hands rather than thinking with head alone.
Let's function PDCA today!
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P.S. Actually, I (Mr. PDCA) am also moving my hands first by posting this PDCA diary every morning😊.
To tell you the truth, I have no concrete plan of contents before start writing the article, but new ideas are coming from somewhere (?) by starting the sentences and my head also moves” is what I feel every day, and this PDCA diary and the business case both “detailed writing this content” is not decided at first. I'm fixing only the theme of and continuing to "start writing anyway".
If you have a challenge to start your work smoothly in the morning, I recommend you to write down daily TO-DO on the paper.
Then, you had better write out the result of your daily work before you leave the office by comparing the difference from the forecast (TO-DO) and the actual time taken.
By doing this, the quality of your work can be improved😊.