PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 684「将棋漫画の奥深さ」/ "Depth of Shogi Manga"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 684「将棋漫画の奥深さ」】





















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P.S. 将棋の世界では、人間とAIの対局が話題になります。


















 <Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「奥深さ」=「depth」>




「将棋漫画の奥深さ」を英語にする場合、「Depth of Shogi Manga」とすればよいですね😊。




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 684 "Depth of Shogi Manga"】


Recently, Shogi (Japanese chess) has become popular and various goods are being sold.


The time of Shogi is quite long, so professional Shogi players will order takeout lunch and dinner during the match.


The contents of lunch and dinner have been reported on the media.


The material introduced today "Shogi Encouragement Story (Japanese only)" is the story of Ippei Tamura, the protagonist who has been out of the society but loves Shogi.


In addition to understand the depth of Shogi, this manga is a book that you can re-recognize that there are people underneath who support the operational procedures of Shogi world.


As with any industry, organizations that reflect for a long time have a mechanism to properly evaluate those who are patiently continuing their detailed work.


In a company where the business doesn't last long, even if it grows temporarily, it's easy to evaluate only those who are doing flashy things and downplay the staff who are doing things that are unobtrusive.


Capitalism is very well designed I suppose, because it's amazing that this area is also properly reflected in the stock price 😊.


The material introduced today "Shogi Encouragement Story" is recommended for those who aim to become Shogi players.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. In the world of Shogi, the game between humans and AI is a hot topic nowadays.


However, compared to chess where AI is dominant, it seems that there are still cases where human Shogi players are stronger than AI.


In the case of chess, you cannot take enemy pieces and use them as your own pieces.


On the other hand, in the case of shogi, you can take enemy pieces and use them as your own pieces.


It seems that some of these characteristics of Shogi are considered to be challenging for AI and lead to human superiority.


Behind the fact that the warlords of the Warring States period loved Shogi in Japan, the enemy soldiers acquired after winning the battle were used as their own soldiers, and they could be used in the next battle in the right place.


These days, even in business, AI is everywhere in the business world, but I think that work that only humans can do will continue.


Combining the power of AI with human intelligence is also required in business 😊.
