PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 694「最後の宿題とデノミ」/ "Last Homework & Redenomination"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 694「最後の宿題とデノミ




































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P.S. この投稿を書きながら、2009年に日本で政権交代が起こり、当時の首相が「変化の象徴として、デノミネーション(デノミ)をやろうと思っていた」とコメントしていたことを思い出しました。








ドルやユーロ等の外貨は小数点3位を四捨五入して、「$500.027…」の様な場合、「$500.03」と計算しますが、日本円の場合、小数点以下は切り捨てるため、「YEN 50,000.7…」の様な時は「YEN 50,000」と計算するのです。








「Mr. PDCA(私のことね😊)、大変だ!顧客の手元にいった明細書の円の欄に、小数点以下の数字が載っている!」


彼が言いたかったのは、通常「Yen 10,000,000」という形になるはずの明細書に、小数点が入って「Yen 10,000,000.59」というとんでもない表示になっているというのです(1千万円が10億円に見える 👀)。
















< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「デノミ」 = 「redenomination」>








PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 694 "Last Homework & Redenomination"

"I will impose you the last homework. 20 years from now, everybody in this class needs to get together in Paris again with a bank certificate of 10 million euros."


When I was about to finish my dreamy (?) student life in March 2011, one professor at the course of "New Business Creation" said the above comments.


I responded that, "In case the amount is 1 million euros, it might be possible. But, 10 million euros are quite challenging", and this professor got furious and said as follows.


"Challenging? Do you say this degree homework is difficult? What are you going to do from now? You all are here to change the world in business, aren't you?"


In the past PDCA Diary, I introduced that dreams will come true by being told many times, because some friends in this class became very successful in business and they have already achieved the goal (education is amazing😊.


The material to be introduced today "Economics 2.0: What the Best Minds in Economics Can Teach You About Business and Life" is a book which catchphrase is "People can not move with money alone", and the following phrases were impressive.


"If you are considering to change jobs, even though your daily life is busier than now or there will be fewer associations with friends, you should make sure that your income increases dramatically, otherwise it is better to rethink. As opposed to income, getting used to non-monetary disadvantages is much harder."


"Salary up gives joy for a moment, but the disadvantageous conditions that you accepted as compensation will remain a large lump, and it will last for a very long time. Instead of raising salaries, accepting stress increase to personal life is highly probable that it will be irreparably a mistake."


"As shown by the research, people will have a long way to hope when high wages bring happiness forever, but the effect is only for a limited short time. Such miscalculation is not uncommon, rather it is something that is common by looking back on the history of the past." (Unquote)


Professor Daniel Kahneman, introduced in the past PDCA Diary, proved by research that "When the annual income exceeds U$75,000, the degree of happiness will not link with economic wealth."


I think that the way of thinking is different from person to person, but in my case, being healthy is the most important part and everything else is secondary.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. While I was writing this post, I remembered that the change of government in Japan occurred in 2009 and the prime minister at that time commented that "As a symbol of change, I was planning to implement Redenomination in Japan."


Denomination means to reduce the currency unit, and current 100 Yen will be new 1 Yen (price does not become cheaper), so the display of "1 dollar = 110 Yen" will be "1 dollar = 1.10 Yen" in case of Redenomination.


I used to think that Japan should implement Redenomination for a long time, but this prime minister who was called "alien" quickly withdrew.


Even when I worked at a financial institution, there were confusing things.


Currencies such as dollar and euro are rounded off to the 3rd decimal point.


In case it is like "$500.027…", it will be calculated as "$500.03", but Yen decimal points need to be rounded down.


In case the amount is "Yen 50,000.7…", we calculate "Yen 50,000" by rounding down decimal points.


By explaining above, some people mentioned that "You should memorize the rules", but the problem is not that simple.


When I was working in New York, I was trying to include Yen into the local system and I worked hard with the system engineer.


After the procedure was completed, I was in a vacation, but this engineer called me by shouting that "Mr. PDCA (me), we have a problem! In the statement that went to the customer, figures below the decimal points are posted in Yen!"


Calculation should normally be in the form like "Yen 10,000,000" by rounding down decimal points, but the statement showed "Yen 10,000,000.59" (10 million Yen looks like 1 billion Yen).


In overseas systems, it is normal to display up to two decimal points, so it is very difficult to incorporate a currency with no decimal point like Yen.


If Redenomination is implemented, people need to go to the bank, because they have to change old currencies to new ones.


In Japan, it is said that a lot of cash is being kept at home, so there is a theory that the government will be able to grasp the transfer of funds and it will help tax collections.


There is also an objection that "Redenomination should be done at the inflation stage and it should not be carried out in countries like Japan which price is pretty stable."


Countries implemented Redenomination in the past were Turkey, Russia North Korea, etc., and all of them were in inflation stage.


At the end of every year, I am sending a Yen balance in the Japanese bank and a US dollar balance screen shots to the French Professor in order to report the progress of the last homework, but he always asked me that "How much are these currencies for euros?"


Currently, it is about "1 euro = 131 yen", but I feel that it will be easy to calculate by denomination with "1 euro = 1.31 yen".

