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P.S. 数年前、フランス人の友人がパリからやってきたので、「秋葉原に行きたい!」というリクエストに応えて色々と回ってきました(なぜか、フランス人は秋葉原に行きたがる)。
「Mr. PDCA(私のことね😊)、日本ってさ、色々なものが顧客目線で設計されているように見えるけれど、逆の場合もあるよね。
私が外資系金融機関に勤務していた頃、社員証をトイレに落としてしまい、自動で流れたという悲しい過去を持っています(笑 + 涙)。
当時の上司:Mr. PDCA、気をつけてよ。再発防止策は考えている?
Mr. PDCA:トイレが自動で流れないようにすればよいと思います!
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「心温まる」 = 「heartwarming」>
「先週の土曜日は、心温まる週末だった」を英語にすると、「Last Saturday was a heartwarming weekend」となりますね😊。
Since April 2011, I have not been using a refrigerator and my electricity bill of the month is about 6 USD (I am such a minimalist!).
I sometimes go to the electronics mass merchant store with my friends and I am always surprised that there are many products with special features.
Some refrigerators made by the Japanese manufacturer have functions that can check inside the refrigerators from the outside (I do not have a refrigerator, so I don't need this function in the first place).
I also saw the functions that can make a reservation for TV program recording from a smartphone (I only watch news and English & French conversation programs at a fixed time zone), but I don't need these sorts of functions at all.
It seems that I am not the only one feeling this kind of sense.
As evidence, the material to be introduced today "Introduction to Innovation's Dilemma (Japanese only)" explained as follows.
"The most obvious signs of excessive satisfaction are the fact that the premium to be paid is decreasing (reduction of "marginal benefits" in economic terms) against the performance improvement previously regarded important by customers.
Due to this fact, dissatisfaction that customers have not felt before comes out by saying "complicated and difficult to use" without using new additional features
Let's function PDCA today!
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Last year, my French friend came to Tokyo from Paris, so we went to Akihabara which is a cultural center and a shopping district for video games, animation, manga, and computer goods (I don't know why, but French people want to go to Akihabara).
He screamed that "Finally, I could see an idol! (There is no idol in France)" by shedding tears and I could see his emotional aspect, so it was heart-warming Sunday (He is a partner of consulting firm).
He enjoyed Japan from his heart, and his comments indeed contained "sign of excessive satisfaction", which made me feel interesting (← He truly is a professional consultant!).
"Mr. PDCA (me :-), in Japan, various things are being moved automatically from the customer's perspective, but some cases look counterproductive. For instance, when you take a taxi in Japan, the driver opens and closes the door, but I prefer to open and close the door by myself, because that is faster. In Tokyo, many toilets automatically flush, but is it really necessary and do customers want that function?
I feel that I do not need automatic flowing toilets either and I have a sad past that I dropped my employee ID card into the toilet and it was automatically flushed when I was working in the foreign (US) financial institution.
The employee ID card of a foreign financial institution is sensitive, and the boss at that time was furious and said as follows.
Former Boss: Mr. PDCA, be careful. Are you thinking about preventive measure?
Mr. PDCA: I think we should stop automatic flowing system in the toilet!
Former Boss: ???