PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 736「人間関係がよくないのは、コミュニケーション量が少ないだけ」/ "Unstable human relationships are due to insufficient communication"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 736「人間関係がよくないのは、コミュニケーション量が少ないだけ




















ポイントは専門用語が出てきた際、その場で「それはどういう意味でしょうか?」と聞くことでしょうね :-)。




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「苦しい」が「楽しい」に変わる本 ~ 「つらい」を科学的になくす7つの方法~

「苦しい」が「楽しい」に変わる本 ~ 「つらい」を科学的になくす7つの方法~

  • 作者:樺沢 紫苑
  • 発売日: 2011/10/11
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)


P.S. 自営と会社員のもう一つの違いとして、「自営の場合、報告・連絡・相談(報連相)が不要(というか、できない)」ということがあります。


















 < Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「乗り気がしない」 = 「be not in the mood」>


今回出てきた「乗り気がしない」の英訳はいくつか候補がありますが、「be not in the mood」が選択肢の一つになります。


「彼は乗り気がしなかった」を英語にする場合、「He was not in the mood」とすればよいですね😊。


「苦しい」が「楽しい」に変わる本 ~ 「つらい」を科学的になくす7つの方法~

「苦しい」が「楽しい」に変わる本 ~ 「つらい」を科学的になくす7つの方法~

  • 作者:樺沢 紫苑
  • 発売日: 2011/10/11
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 736 "Unstable human relationships are due to insufficient communication"

At PDCA cafe the other day, there was one participant who asked that "What is the big difference between self-employed and a company employee?"


I replied that "In case of self-employment, you can say that 'I don't want to do that job', but a company employee can not mention the same thing."


In case of a company employee, it is necessary to work in accordance with management direction and business order, so if human relationships are not good, you will suffer from the stressful environment for a long time.


The material to be introduced today "How pain can be turned into fun (Japanese only)" is a book with a catchphrase "Scientifically eliminate pain" by the author of "How to Output" which was introduced in the past PDCA diary, and the following phrase was impressive.


"Unstable human relationships are due to insufficient communication.


It is possible to increase the amount of communication simply by doing three things, greeting, chatting, and listening." (Unquote)


I myself try to talk to the counterpart directly when I face challenges in my current job. By meeting with the person in charge, I will automatically greet, chat and listen😊.


Through face-to-face communication, I could often realize the background of miscommunication.


Especially in my case, I am basically from the finance filed, and I am not originally an IT expert.


Therefore, if I do not understand the contents, I am honestly asking anyone that "I do not understand, so please tell me."


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. Another difference between self-employed and a company employee is that "Self-employed does not need to report, contact, and discuss".


In case of a corporate employee, report, contact, and discuss are inevitable, so almost all processes have to be done in accordance with senior judgments.


Self-employed can decide everything by himself / herself, but he / she cannot consult with managers.


The book "How pain can be turned into fun" emphasized the following points.


"Consultation has two objectives.


One is for problem solving, and this is a pattern of consultation for seeking advice.


The other is to let others understand your own troubles.


It is a pattern for seeking sympathy rather than advice." (Unquote)


As a matter of fact, if you cannot consult with managers due to lack of 1on1, etc., let's contact someone you can trust.


As I have repeatedly stated that it is most risky to have problems by yourself😊.
