PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 756「文化の違いを活用する」/ "Take advantage of cultural differences"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 756「文化の違いを活用する











1. 権力と責任に関する意識
2. 時間管理のアプローチ
3. アイデンティティと目標に関する定義
4. 組織編制
5. 領域と境界に関する概念
6. コミュニケーション様式
7. 思考様式

















A. コンテクスト(行動の起きた背景)、行動、その影響について述べましょう。
B. 変えることができることだけに注力しましょう。
C. アドバイスを与えたり、判断を下したり、心理的な解釈を提供するのを控えましょう。
D. 正直になりましょう。


A. フィードバックは贈り物だと思いましょう。
B. 同意したり、正当化したり、防御するのでなく、理解しましょう。
C. よく聴き、フィードバックの背景について突っ込んだ質問をして、その回答を反すうしましょう。




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P.S. 先日のPDCAカフェで、「他の大企業と比較して、自分が所属している会社では、体系的に学習する機会が少ないように感じる」とコメントされた若手の方がいました。






それを一番実感しているのは、他ならぬ私 Mr. PDCA なのです😊。


 < Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「体系的に学習する」 = 「learn systematically」>


今回出てきた「体系的に学習する」の英訳はいくつか候補がありますが、「learn systematically」という表現が一つの方法になります。


「彼女はビジネススクールで、経営戦略を体系的に学習した」を英語にすると、「She learned business strategy systematically at business school」となりますね😊。




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 756 "Take advantage of cultural differences"

My first employer, US-based financial institution, was a workplace where there were various challenges, but I am still impressed with its diversity and it was one of the world's most advanced companies in that term.


In case of a US-based company, there is a tremendous advantage that the internal language is English.


However, in case of Japanese companies, only Japanese employees tend to manage overseas offices based on Japanese culture in Japanese language. This attitude was still taken place by several Japanese corporations and it tends to lead to the challenges.


The material to be introduced today "Coaching Across Cultures" provides a method to find out creative solutions which would overcome the existing frame by making use of various cultural differences such as national culture, organization culture, vocational culture, etc.


The interesting part in this book is classification of the "Important dimension at the coaching place" and there are seven categories.


1. Consciousness on authority and responsibility
2. Time management approach
3. Definition of identity and goals
4. Organization formation
5. Concepts on areas and boundaries
6. Communication style
7. Thinking style

ー ー ー ー


As this book states, "Cross-cultural challenges arise from cultural gaps."


Those who are conscious of "Using the difference in culture", are smoothly implementing intercultural communication relatively. I suppose that what is necessary to utilize cultural differences is not proficient English, but a "Consciousness to take communication directly by oneself".


If you avoid communication with overseas office by saying "I am not good at English," it will be difficult to develop products and services by utilizing the most of organizational strength.


Fluent English is not always necessary for communication with overseas offices, but rather consciousness to talk in English is important, and I suppose that spreading this idea is one way to maximize the power of the Japanese business world.


The material "Coaching Across Cultures" introduced this time explains that feedback is important between different cultures, and the following tips on the side that receives feedback by stating as follows.


(Tips on the side that makes feedback)
A. Describe the context (Background of occurred behaviors), behavior, and its impact.
B. Let's focus only on what we can change.
C. Let's refrain from giving advice, making decisions, or providing psychological interpretation.
D. Let's be honest.


(Tips on the side that receives feedback)
A. Let's think that feedback is a gift.
B. Let's understand rather than agree, justify or defend.
C. Listen carefully, ask questions throbbing about the background of feedback, and reverse the answer.
ー ー ー ー


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. There was one young participant who commented at PDCA cafe the other day that, "At my working place, I felt that there were few opportunities to learn systematically compared to other large Japanese companies."


Currently, there is an internet, and it is an era where you can study as much as you want to learn by yourself, and above all, we have the SNS😊.


By using this, you can study English and absorb anything from different cultures.


To tell you the truty, it is Mr. PDCA (me) who feels that the most😊.
