PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 853「旅館の食事と長い残業時間」/ "Japanese Inn's Meal & Long Overtime Hours"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 853「旅館の食事と長い残業時間
























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仕事をしたつもり (星海社 e-SHINSHO)

仕事をしたつもり (星海社 e-SHINSHO)



P.S. 私は、いくつかの企業でコンサルタントとして内部で仕事をさせて頂きましたが、心掛けているのは「定時に帰ること」です。








「頼みもしないのに~♪ 同じような朝が来る~♪ 今日は歩いて帰ろう~♪ 」- 歩いて帰ろう -(作詞・作曲:斉藤 和義)


「頼んでいるように~♪ 違う楽しい朝が来る~♪ 今日は定時に帰ろう~♪ 」- 自営の日々 -(作詞:Mr. PDCA、作曲:近くにいたミュージシャン)






< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「定時」 = 「on time」>


今回出てきた「定時」の英訳は、「on time」になります。


「定時退社する」を英訳すると、「leave on time」になりますが、海外では定時退社が当たり前であるため、余り目にしたり、耳にする表現ではないですね😊。


仕事をしたつもり (星海社 e-SHINSHO)

仕事をしたつもり (星海社 e-SHINSHO)




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 853 "Japanese Inn's Meal & Long Overtime Hours"

As I previously reported in PDCA diary, I like cooking, laundry and karaoke (Nearly professional singer😊.


In addition to these pastimes, I am fond of visiting hot spring.


When the project was settled down, I used to stay in Hakone (Hot spring area near Tokyo) for a while.


I usually do not eat dinner (Breakfast & lunch only), but in Japanese inns, dinner is automatically provided and it tend to be too much quantity.


The material to be introduced today, "How we should work (Japanese only)" has a catch phrase "Stop waste of time and unnecessary efforts", and the following phrases were impressive.


"Japanese inns tend to provide plenty of food at dinner, but a certain percentage of customers prefer small quantity and high quality dishes.


Some Japanese companies has a tendency to evaluate employees who are doing inefficient overtime than those who finish their work at the scheduled time." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. What I am keeping in mind every day is "Finish work and leave on time."


The main purpose of "Finish work and leave on time and going home early" is to maintain my own health.


In case I am working late, my team members tend to work late as well, so it is desirable to go home early from the overall corporate perspective.


When I am working late in the current workplace, I am trying to be aware that "I am working overtime and I am paying costing now".


In order to improve work efficiency, preparations for agenda the day before meeting and sending the minutes of the next day are the most effective way to reduce man-hours😊.
