PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,089「人事権とは何か?」/ "What is power on personnel affairs?"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,089「人事権とは何か?」】
















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P.S. 外資系企業の場合、現場の管理職が人事権と経理権を持っていることが多くなっています。
















<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「人事権」=「power on personnel affairs」>


今回出てきた「人事権」の英訳は、「power on personnel affairs」になります。


「人事権とは何か?」を英語にする場合、「What is power on personnel affairs?」とすればよいですね😊。



<マドモアゼルPDCAのメルシー映画「ナサケの女 ~国税局査察官~」>


本日は、米倉涼子主演のドラマ「ナサケの女 ~国税局査察官~」 を紹介します。




  • 発売日: 2013/11/26
  • メディア: Prime Video


ドラマ「ナサケの女 ~国税局査察官~」 で米倉涼子が演じる主人公「松平松子(米倉涼子)」は、国税局の査察官(サカン)です。




ドラマタイトルの「ナサケの女 ~国税局査察官~」 は、国税局査察官(マルサ)の中の情報部門を指す隠語です。


また、国税局の実施部門は「ミノリ」、脱税容疑者が隠し持つ現金を「タマリ」と呼ぶなど、様々な隠語がドラマ「ナサケの女 ~国税局査察官~」 に登場します。 


企業の財務部門で働いているビジネスパーソンに、「ナサケの女 ~国税局査察官~」はお勧めのドラマです😊。


ナサケの女 ~国税局査察官~」のメルシー評価【クロワッサン3個:🥐🥐🥐】


【マドモアゼルPDCAコメント】 税務当局ではありませんが、私は銀行員時代に金融当局と約5年やり取りしてきました。










  • 発売日: 2013/11/26
  • メディア: Prime Video



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,089 "What is power on personnel affairs?"】


One of the major differences between Japanese companies and foreign companies is the position of the Human Resources Department.


As is case with Japanese companies, there are often human resources departments have power on personnel affairs.


On the other hand, human resources departments at foreign companies do not have power on personnel affairs.


There are good points and bad points for both sides, but when the HR department has too much authority and becomes the existence of fear, it can be a problem.


I felt that the material introduced today "What is power on personnel affairs? (Japanese only)" is a good summary of recent trends in the Human Resources Department.


This book is recommended for those who work in HR fields.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. In the case of foreign-affiliated companies, on-site managers often have personnel and accounting authorities.


For foreign-affiliated companies, the power of on-site managers will be stronger, but the responsibility for results will be increased accordingly.


Given authorities of human resources and funding, and in the case of better results than planned, on-site managers will be given more powers in the next year.


If you would like to know what happens if they fall short of the plan, please contact me 😊.


Also, if a person who wants to enter a foreign financial institution, he or she has to pass the document screening first.


Then, it will be necessary to complete a considerable number of interviews.


The Human Resources Department appears only at the beginning and end of interviews with foreign financial institutions, and the decision-making authority rests with the on-site managers.


Some foreign financial institutions ask interviewees to meet more than 20 staff members, and if even one of them gives an "NG", they will not be able to pass the selection.


However, I don't need to interview that many, and I feel that at most 4 or 5 people are enough 😊.
