PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,259「報連相は組織強化のため」/ "Report, Contact, Discuss are for strengthening the organization"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,259報連相は組織強化のため




「Mr. PDCA、私は結果を出しています。








違いますか?(←「攻殻機動隊」の荒巻課長風だった:2nd GIG 第1話:茅葺総理との会話参照)」(PDCAカフェの参加者コメント終わり)


第1話 再起動 REEMBODY

第1話 再起動 REEMBODY

  • 発売日: 2016/08/05
  • メディア: Prime Video






















PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください😊。https://twitter.com/MPdca 


あたりまえだけどなかなかできない 教え方のルール (アスカビジネス)

あたりまえだけどなかなかできない 教え方のルール (アスカビジネス)

  • 作者:田中 省三
  • 発売日: 2009/09/05
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)


P.S. 企業によって、月次や週次の1on1が推奨されていますが、マネージャーが多忙な部署などでは、中々時間が取れないケースもあるようです。




















「休憩は疲れたから取るのではない。疲れかけたら取るのでもない。休憩は、疲れる前に取るんだよ。その方が長い時間集中力が保たれて、トータルで見ると生産性が上がるからね」- 「教え方のルール」著者の恩師 -


「睡眠は眠いから取るのではない。睡眠は眠くなる前に取るんだよ。きちんと睡眠を取り、24時間以内に体力を回復させる方が、トータルで見ると生産性が上がるからね。僕なんか夜8時に就寝しているよ。はっはっは!」- Mr. PDCA -


 < Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「組織強化」 = 「strengthening the organization」>


今回出てきた「組織強化」の英訳はいくつか候補がありますが、「strengthening the organization」という表現が一つの方法になります。


「全員が報告を徹底することは、組織強化につながる」を英語にすると、「Thorough reporting by everyone leads to organizational strengthening」となりますね😊。


あたりまえだけどなかなかできない 教え方のルール (アスカビジネス)

あたりまえだけどなかなかできない 教え方のルール (アスカビジネス)

  • 作者:田中 省三
  • 発売日: 2009/09/05
  • メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,259 "Report, Contact, Discuss are for strengthening the organization"

When I went to PDCA cafe the other day, one participant made the following interesting comments.


"Mr. PDCA, my performance has been more than planned. I saw the past PDCA Diary, and you emphasized the importance of report, contact, discuss. However, I don't think we need these cumbersome processes and it is a waste of time, isn't it? It must be productive to focus on value adding works that lead to revenue rather than to make a report and contact the supervisors. Am I right?"


In response to this comment, I replied that, "People who are making results should report, contact and discuss with supervisors."


Because, managers want to know the successful way of their subordinates and they need to share it with senior management and other team members.


The material to be introduced today "Teaching Rules (Japanese only)" is a reference of 3rd case of PDCA leadership program (Make All Colleagues Leaders!) and the following phrases were impressive.


"What is the purpose of report, contact, discuss?


A: First of all, to share information and strengthen the organization. In order for managers to know what kind of problem team members are facing, it is necessary to share information.


B: Secondary, in case there is no enough report, contact, discuss from subordinates, managers cannot know exactly what timing they can teach or follow.


So as to proceed the task smoothly and accurately, let's teach the two objectives A and B of report, contact, discuss to your subordinates." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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Monthly or weekly 1on1 might be recommended at your working place, but some managers are too busy to talk to their subordinates monthly or weekly.


During PDCA cafe, several participants said that "My boss had no time to do weekly 1on1".


I recommend people those who cannot do 1on1 to send monthly or weekly reports to your managers.


In case of weekly 1on1 on Monday, you had better send "1on1 Agenda" to your boss on previous Friday.


By doing this, your manager will be able to read the contents beforehand and you can start 1on1 with common recognition with your manager.


By doing this, the boss can read the agenda in advance and can grasp the contents, which will shorten the time of 1on1 and can proceed discussion efficiently.


I recommend people those who cannot do 1on1 to ask the boss that "I would like to send you a monthly (weekly) report, is it OK? Also, it would be very much appreciated if we can do 1on1 and discuss what I did last week and only 15 minutes per week are all right".


I understand that there are various circumstances depending on the organization.


If 1on1 is difficult, just sending a monthly (weekly) report will help your managers to understand what you are doing and it will also lead to your own business improvement.


1on1 Agenda (Monthly or weekly report) can be simple contents, and if the format is fixed at the beginning, it takes little man-hours.


In the past PDCA Diary, I reiterated the importance of preparing the agenda before meeting, and considering the man-hours of the whole organization, it is more efficient to start meetings after sharing agenda on the previous business day.


Preparing agenda before meetings and 1on1 would be a valuable habit for your own growth and it would have a positive impact on your team's performance.


If you continue the custom of sending agenda before meeting for half a year, I think you can feel the effect and change.


It is important not only to start, but also to continue for a while😊.
