PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,264「マーケティングは全従業員で考えるべき」/ "Marketing should be considered by all employees"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,264マーケティングは全従業員で考えるべき


最近頂くコメントとして、「Mr. PDCAマーケティング関連投稿は面白いけれども、B to C のものが多い。フランスで高級ブランドの研究をしてきたからだと思うが、B to B のことも知りたい」というものがあります。


今回紹介する資料「少人数チームからはじめる失敗しないBtoBマーケティングの組織としくみ」は、「日本の法人営業に欠けているもの」を前半部分で指摘しており、後半で「営業と顧客体験に変革を起こす」と宣言し、あるべきB to B マーケティングについて熱く語られています。


マーケティング関連本は最近多く出版されていますが、今回紹介する資料「少人数チームからはじめる失敗しないBtoBマーケティングの組織としくみ」は組織運営やプロセスの進め方に焦点を絞っており、B to Bのマーケティングにおいても利用可能な実践的な内容が盛り込まれています。


B to C であっても、B to Bであってもマーケティング戦略を立てる場合、STPと呼ばれる市場分析・顧客開拓手法を用いられることが多くなっています。




アメリカを中心として、最近の海外企業では「最高マーケティング責任者(Chief Marketing Officer: CMO)」を設置し、STPを全従業員で意識し、一貫したマーケティング戦略を取っているところが増えています。


私が自営をしていた時もそうですが、マーケティング戦略の話を日本企業の経営者にすると、「STPだぁ~?STPよりKKD(経験・勘・度胸)だよ、Mr. PDCA、ぐわっはっはっは!」と言われるケースが多かったことを覚えています。














Win-Win の関係になることを常に意識すべきだ。顧客が本当に価値を感じてあなたとの継続的な取引を望むようになるのは、買い物(購入した商品・サービス)が真価を発揮してからだ。」(引用終わり)




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P.S. 今回紹介した資料「BtoBマーケティングの組織としくみ」は、「日本企業のB to Bマーケティングに革新を起こしたい」という信念に基づいて執筆されており、以下の内容がそのことを物語っています。








 < Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「体系的に」 = 「systematically」>




マーケティングを体系的に学びたい」を英語にする場合、「I want to learn marketing systematically」とすればよいですね😊。




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,264 "Marketing should be considered by all employees"

Some people are saying that, "Mr. PDCA's marketing related post are interesting, but most of them are B to C articles. Mr. PDCA has been researching luxury brands in France, so it is understandable, but please post articles of B to B related marketing strategy".


The material to be introduced today "Organization & Mechanism of Successful B to B Marketing (Japanese only)" points out that "Missing parts in Japanese corporate sales".


Many marketing-related books have been published recently, but this material focuses on the organization management and process improvements including practical contents that can be used in Works marketing.


For both B to C and B to B, it is common to use a market analysis and customer development method called STP.


STP is an acronym for "Segmentation", "Targeting", and "Positioning".


In recent years, mainly in the United States, more and more companies are setting up "Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)" as one of the executive officers.


CMO's main role is to make own company's STP aware all employees, and CMO is promoting marketing strategy (Many Works competitors also have CMO😊.


When I was self-employed, I sometimes told the story of marketing strategy to customers (mainly venture companies or IT firms), but most Japanese corporate executives never listened to me, because they were making business decisions based on experience, intuition and courage rather than rational analysis.


These methods might have worked when the Japanese economy was expanding, but now the domestic market is shrinking, so it must be the time to change the marketing strategy (Japan only has 1.7% of world population!).


Regardless of your department, considering own STP will be beneficial both for individual basis and the whole company, so the material to be introduced today is worth reading for every business person, and the following phrases were impressive.


"Do not think about just taking contracts with customers.


What you need to think about is a customer's benefit, and you should always be conscious of a win-win relationship.


When customers are truly satisfied with your products, they will start continuous transactions." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. The author of the material introduced today wrote this book based on the belief that "I want to innovate in B to B marketing of Japanese companies" and the following contents are showing his will.


"There is no culture in the sales department of Japanese companies that to create greater outcomes and productivity, no talented teaching guidance, no educational professional, no culture that such education is necessary in the first place.


In short, there is no opportunity to learn marketing strategy that they had been thinking about until now." (Unquote)
