PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,371「まず参入せよ」/ "First enter the market"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,371「まず参入せよ」】



















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P.S. 過去のPDCA日記で、森下仁丹という会社の戦略を紹介したことがあります。







< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「無敵」=「invincible」>




無敵艦隊」の英語は「invincible armada」ですが、スペインの無敵艦隊を意味する場合、「Spanish Armada」と表現します😊。



<マドモアゼルPDCAのメルシー映画「忘却のサチコ 新春スペシャル」>


本日は、ドラマ「忘却のサチコ 新春スペシャル」を紹介します。






ドラマ「忘却のサチコ 新春スペシャル」は、編集者である主人公の佐々木幸子(高畑充希)が文学賞候補になった作家と共に神戸の街を食べ歩く物語です。




神戸周辺に住んでいる人や神戸に勤務しているビジネスパーソンにとって、今回紹介するドラマ「忘却のサチコ 新春スペシャル」はお勧めです。


忘却のサチコ 新春スペシャル」のメルシー評価【クロワッサン3個:🥐🥐🥐】


【マドモアゼルPDCAコメント】今回紹介するドラマ「忘却のサチコ 新春スペシャル」では、私が実際に通ったお店が登場します。








PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,371 "First enter the market"】


One day at PDCA cafe, one of the participants asked me that "What is necessary to start self-employment?"


I replied that "You must leave the company first."


Japan is a society that is very easy to start self-employment, and you can become a “president (representative)” from the moment you leave the company where you are belonging to (it is really easy :-).


When I listen to the story of a person who has an idea, but he or she cannot start his or her own new business, the reason is that he or she won't leave the company now.


Japan's IT giant, Rakuten was founded by Mr. Mikitani, but he was thinking about what to do for a while after retiring from the bank, and he was also considering starting a bakery.


The material “Thinking like Amazon” introduced this time introduces “ideas for thinking and actions that make work invincible” and says, “Enter first”.


The key to success in business is “begin small and fail early”.


The reason why Amazon has grown and become one of the world's leading companies might be because it repeats “First enter the market and then dissipate early if it doesn't go well”.


The material to be introduced today "Think Like Amazon" reiterates that "First enter the market".


New small venture companies are supposed to do the same like Amazon and by entering the market first, you will be the first runner in some area.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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Think Like Amazon: 50 1/2 Ideas to Become a Digital Leader

Think Like Amazon: 50 1/2 Ideas to Become a Digital Leader
