PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,742「NYにあって東京にないもの」/ "Things in NY but not in Tokyo"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,742「NYにあって東京にないもの」】

今回紹介する資料「「夜遊び」の経済学 世界が注目する「ナイトタイムエコノミー」」は、日本で夜遊びできる場所を増やし、観光名所を盛り上げるための議論を行っています。


今回紹介する資料「「夜遊び」の経済学 世界が注目する「ナイトタイムエコノミー」」では眠らない街の代表として、ニューヨーク(以下、「NY」)が取り上げられていますが、ビッグアップル(NYの愛称)の繁栄は、24時間動いている地下鉄の影響が大きいのだそうです。








サービス業に従事している人に、今回紹介する資料「「夜遊び」の経済学 世界が注目する「ナイトタイムエコノミー」 はおすすめの一冊です。




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P.S. NYに拠点を構えている企業の場合、20時や21時までオフィスに残っているスタッフには、電車ではなく、タクシーでの帰宅を認めているケースが多いです。















 <Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「繁栄」=「prosperity」>




「24時間動いている地下鉄はNYの繁栄を支えている」を英語にする場合、「A 24-hour subway supports NY's prosperity」とすればよいですね😊。



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,742 "Things in NY but not in Tokyo"】


The material introduced today "The Laws of Those Who Make Money on the Web and Those Who Lost (Japanese only)" is a guidebook by Mr. Nakagawa from Hakuhodo on how to make profits on the Web.


The conclusion of this book may be that "The ability of the individual is important" in the "Introduction" section.


Even if you are doing business using the same Internet, the difference in results may be due to differences in individual abilities.


Also, the part that "Life does not change on the internet" in this book was also interesting, and this material is recommended for anyone who is about to start an online business.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. In the case of companies based in NY, staff who remain in the office until 20:00 or 21:00 are often allowed to return home by taxi instead of by train.


However, it would be very expensive to take a taxi back to their home in New Jersey next to NY, so basically New Yorkers didn't have much habit of working late at night.


Since the NY Stock Exchange closes at 16:00, I remember that traders and brokers working at banks and securities companies often finished their work after 18:00.


That's why they come to work early in the morning, but this way of working suited me very well 😊.


In NY, the hospital also opens early in the morning, and there are places where surgery is performed from 8 am, so Manhattan tended to be early everything.


If you're a student who wants to change your night life, you might had better hit the gates of the financial industry.


Although it is common all over the world, people who work at banks and securities companies tend to be morning persons.


Newcomers in the finance world are required to come to work earlier than their seniors and bosses.


I will never return to the financial industry, but if you are interested in what banks and securities firm are like, feel free to ask in the comments section 😊.
