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P.S. 「自律」の定義は、「他からの支配や助力を受けず、自分の行動を自分の立てた規律に従って正しく規制すること」です。
金融危機前に比べると、中長期的な取引を行う外資系金融機関の従業員が増えたことは事実であり、「インセンティブは自律性を損なう」と唱える本書の主張は合理性があるように感じる梅雨の朝です :-)。
<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「自主性」=「autonomy」>
「That politician is seeking increased autonomy for the south region(あの政治家は、南部の自治拡大を求めている)」という形で、「autonomy」を英語ニュースなどで目にすることがありますね :-)。
At PDCA cafe the other day, one participant asked me that "What is the biggest difference between Japanese companies and the foreign financial institution?"
I answered "Foreign financial institutions provide incentive bonus. This is a difference."
Most of foreign financial institutions pay annual incentive bonus from January to February every year.
Many employees of foreign financial institutions are working hard for a year in order to obtain their incentive bonus, and after February more and more people retire.
The material to be introduced today "The Moral Economy" critically discusses that "Incentives impair autonomy" and "Incentive is an attempt to control the target employees".
There was a possibility that expensive incentives might have paralyzed employees' awareness of compliance and ethics, and there were many experts who pointed out that the financial crisis in 2008 occurred due to the incentive mechanism at foreign financial institutions.
Let's function PDCA today!
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P.S. Definition of "autonomy" is that "to regulate one's actions correctly according to one's own discipline without control or assistance from others", but it is difficult for people who had been receiving huge incentives to "regulate correctly according to discipline".
After the financial crisis in 2008, many foreign financial institutions capped the incentive bonus and started rewarding employees who made the results in the form of salary base up.
Compared to the time before the financial crisis, it is true that the number of employees at foreign financial institutions are conducting medium to long term transactions thanks to the new scheme :-).
I wish more and more professionals in overseas offices would become members or followers of the below project for the smooth communication :-).