【PDCA日記 Vol. 1,754「人間関係は修復できる」】
今回紹介する資料「「話し方」「伝え方」ほど人生を左右する武器はない!」は、「 一生役立つ『頭のいい話し方』のコツ、すべて教えます! 」をキャッチフレーズにしており、「人間関係は修復できる」部分で以下のように説明しています。
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P.S. ベンチャー企業の場合、ポジションに関係なく、会合などで誰でも自由に発言できるケースが多く、とてもよい文化だと感じていますが、伝統的な大企業では見られないような、びっくりするようなやり取りが時々行われることがあります。
そういう場合、「Mr. PDCA、Yさんにあそこまで言ってしまったけれど、やりすぎだったかな?」と相談に来られる方がいます。
<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英単語「失礼しました」=「My apologies」>
アメリカに行く場合、交通事故等に遭遇しても「決して謝ってはいけない」ということはよく言われますが、私がニューヨークでビジネスを行っていた際、口頭やメールでも「My apologies(失礼しました)」という表現によく遭遇しました。
一番多かったのは、期限に遅れて資料を提出する場合等に、「My apologies for the delay, but please send attached the report to the customer(遅れて失礼しました。お客様に添付資料の送付をお願いします)」という感じで、軽いお詫びを示す表現として「My apologies」が使われていました。
きちんとした謝罪の場合、「I apologize for ~」の形を取ることが多く、あることがきっかけで私に怒鳴り散らしたトレーダーが後になって、「I apologize for my emotional actions a while ago(さっきは感情的になって、申し訳なかった)」と電話をかけてきたことをよく覚えています。
なぜこうなったか興味がある方は、Mr. PDCAに直接聞いてみましょう(フフフ😊)。
My previous job was at a foreign financial institution, and much of the communication was done via mail.
In case of the bank at Tokyo office, I still had opportunities to talk with colleagues each other.
On the other hand, when I was working in New York, one colleague who was sitting next to me was communicating with me only via mail😊.
I feel that the spread of e-mail makes it possible to communicate with other even when the person himself or herself is not in the office, and which must have greatly contributed to economic development, but at the same time, there must have occurred various miscommunication via mail, because it is not face-to-face communication.
The material to be introduced today, "Speaking style will influence your life (Japanese only)" reiterates that “Human relations can be restored” and explain the details as follows.
"If you think that you are intercommunicating with others, what should you do?
For example, if you do not receive a reply after many emails, why don't you ask that 'Is there a reason for not having a reply?'
In case the counter party is careless or had no time to reply to your mail, it must be fine.
However, if it was clearly your fault, you had better communicate with that person by saying 'My apologies for this and I did not mean it'.
By doing this, most of the miscommunications will be solved and human relations can be restored." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
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P.S. Regardless of position, I think it's a very good culture of venture companies that everyone can talk freely at MTG, etc.
However, there sometimes occurs astonishing exchanges of opinion during the discussion.
In such a case, one colleague came to my desk by saying, "Hey, Mr. PDCA, did I go too far to Mr. Y?"
"If you feel that way, why don't you go to Mr.Y's desk tomorrow morning?"
If you go to the counter party right after the hard discussion, there is a risk that the situation will overheat again.
By dropping by tomorrow morning, the counter party and you will be able to have a day of sleep and the magma between two persons can be settled to a certain extent😊.
I wish more and more professionals in overseas offices would become members or followers of the below project for the smooth communication😊.