今回紹介する資料「損する顔 得する顔」は、「顔を使いこなすこと、それがこの本の目標」をキャッチフレーズにしており、以下のフレーズが印象的でした。
今回紹介した資料「損する顔 得する顔」が説明しているように、「演じることが必要」なのは俳優だけではなく、ビジネス・パーソンでも同じで、元気にハキハキと働くだけでかなり印象を良くすることができます(チャレンジに直面した時こそ、笑顔が大事ですね😊。
PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください😊。https://twitter.com/MPdca
P.S.「プレゼンテーションは演じること」とよく言われますが、実はこのPDCA日記も演じていたりします(普段のMr. PDCAは無口で恥ずかしがり屋で、週末は一言もしゃべらないこともあります)。
この週末に発した言葉も、「アボガド・チーズ・バーガー」だけだったなぁ(Mr. PDCAは、ハンバーガーとコーラが大好き🍔)。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「着回し」 = 「mix and match」>
今回出てきた「着回し」に該当する英語はなかなか見当たりませんが、「mix and match」が一つの表現方法になります。
「彼女は、とても着回しが上手い」を英訳すると、「She is very good at mixing and matching」になりますね😊。
When I was working in New York, there were some occasions to go back to Japan temporarily on business trips.
At that time, my female colleagues in New York office always asked me to buy Japanese women's magazines.
It was an interesting discovery that women's magazines in Japan are fashionable and that information to be helpful for New Yorkers was also impressive.
Conversely, female colleagues in Tokyo office sometimes asked me to purchase specific dresses in New York.
Overseas women's dresses have asymmetric designs that I rarely see in Japan, and when I was invited to weddings in New York and Paris, I was amazed by extraordinary dresses at the venue. (In case of France, the dance party continued until morning😊.
The material to be introduced today "How to use face (Japanese only)" has a catch phrase that "Let's make full use of your face", and the following phrases were impressive.
"You can change the impression by yourself, but acting is necessary to make full use of your face." (Unquote)
Among the employees in one company, there are several people who were acting at the school days and those who were aiming for professional actors, and it is very interesting to hear the story.
As explained in the material "How to use face" explains, "It is necessary to act" in the business scenes as well.
You can easily change your impression by smiling in your face when you talk to your colleagues every day (When you face a challenge, smiling is more important😊).
Let's function PDCA today!
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P.S. It is often said that "Presentation is acting", and I am acting in this PDCA Diary as well (Mr. PDCA is very silent and shy, and I do not talk a word on weekends ;-).
The words I expressed on this weekend was only "Avocado Cheese Burger" (Mr. PDCA loves hamburgers 🍔).