PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,178「ソーシャルファームという選択肢」/ "Option of Social Farm"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,178「ソーシャルファームという選択肢」】






「ソーシャルファームとは、『SOCIAL = 社会的な』+『FIRM = 企業』という意味を持ち、障がい者雇用の場に、『どうしたら利益を上げられるのか?』というビジネスの視点を取り入れることにより、一般の企業と競争できる事業を展開する取り組みだ。




日本の福祉の世界では儲けが度外視され、利益を上げる事に対する嫌悪感や忌避間を頂き、金儲け = 悪、とみる人も少なくない。








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P.S. 日本の場合、従業員を45.5人以上雇用している民間企業は、2.2%以上障がい者を雇用する義務があります(障害者雇用促進法43条第1項)。












< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「選択肢」 = 「option




「ソーシャルファームという選択肢」を英語で表現する場合、「Option of Social Farm」とすればよいですね😊。 




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,178 "Option of Social Farm"


The material introduced today “Don't think disability people can't make a profit (Japanese only)” has a catchphrase “Hope of Social Farm” and the following phrases were impressive in the part “Option of Social Farm".


"In the 1970s in Italy, it was said that patients and staff of a psychiatric hospital cooperated to create a cafe in a restaurant and this is the beginning of social firm.


In Europe, there are more than 10,000 places in a wide range of industries including hotels.


In the world of Japanese welfare, there are many people who think that profits are disregarded.


However, there are many people with disabilities who feel that they have been recognized in the society by earning more wages than they have ever been.


By earning more wages, they can support their families, have children, have the joy and pride of working, and start their lives on a new stage.” (Unquote)


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P.S. In Japan, private companies that employ 45.5 or more employees are required by law to employ 2.2% or more of persons with disabilities.


Since I started my own business in 2016, I have been working with various companies as a consultant.


The working styles of people with disabilities differ depending on the company, and it was also a scene where the attitude of the President or CEO could be glimpsed.


In one company, one person with a disability was assigned to each department, but in another organization, staff members with disabilities formed a team, and each of them worked while giving their opinions.
