軍部大臣現役武官制に興味がある方には、「昭和十年代の陸軍と政治: 軍部大臣現役武官制の虚像と実像」がお勧めです。
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< 本日のボンジュール英語「戦前」 = 「pre-war」>
「戦前と戦後の憲法の違い」を英語で表現する場合、「Differences between pre-war and post-war constitutions」とすればよいですね😊。
I'm a constitutional law buff and I study the constitutions of various countries.
The oldest constitution in the world is the Constitution of the United States of America, and interestingly, the president cannot be involved in amending the constitution.
The American constitution is positioned as "an entity that controls the president," so the president cannot touch it when it is amended.
The Constitution of the Empire of Japan was the first constitution in Asia, but when it was promulgated in 1889, it seems that the public knew very little about its contents.
I think the biggest difference between the Constitution of the Empire of Japan and the Constitution of Japan is the prime minister's right to dismiss ministers.
Under the Constitution of the Empire of Japan, the prime minister could not dismiss ministers.
If there were opponents in the cabinet, nothing could be done and the government would collapse.
Under the current Constitution of Japan, the prime minister can dismiss ministers.
Former prime minister Junichiro Koizumi actually dismissed a minister who opposed the privatization of the postal service.
In prewar Japan, there was even a mysterious system called the Active Military Minister System.
The system required active military officers to be Army and Navy Ministers.
This system existed from 1900 to 1913 and from 1936 to 1945.
During this time, the Prime Minister could not form a cabinet without the approval of the military, so the government was essentially controlled by the military.
Even if a prewar prime minister managed to form a cabinet, if he tried to implement a policy that was inconvenient for the military, the Minister of the Army or the Minister of the Navy would oppose it, and the plan would ultimately be stuck.
In the case of the United States, the first president, George Washington, took office after retiring from the military.
The reason America continues to be the strongest in the world may be because of its thorough civilian control.
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