PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 41「最初で最後の革命家」/ "First & Last Revolutionary in Japan"

English follows Japanese.


PDCA日記 Vol. 41「最初で最後の革命家」】






今回紹介する資料「承久の乱-真の「武者の世」を告げる大乱 (中公新書)」は、1221年に朝廷を支配していた後鳥羽上皇が、鎌倉幕府を討つべく兵を挙げた乱を取り上げています。


















承久の乱-真の「武者の世」を告げる大乱 (中公新書)

承久の乱-真の「武者の世」を告げる大乱 (中公新書)

P.S. 別の資料になりますが、「日本史のなぞ なぜこの国で一度だけ革命が成功したのか (朝日新書)」は北条泰時を「日本社会の歴史の中で唯一成功した革命家(P47)」と述べています。


チャレンジングな局面にある方にとって、朝敵になりながらも勝利した北条泰時の 生き方は、参考になると思います。












< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「朝廷 = imperial court」>


今回出てきた「朝廷」の英語は、「imperial court」となります。


「Court」と言うと、「裁判所」のイメージを持つ方が多いと思いますが、「court」には「庭」の意味もあり、「テニスコート(tennis court)」でも「court」が利用されています。


「Imperial court」で「宮中の庭=朝廷」 という表現になっており、中々おしゃれだと思う英語の一つだなと感じる英語好きの私がいたりします😊。


【"PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 41 "First & Last Revolutionary in Japan"】


When you are asked "Who is the revolutionary in Japan?", who would you think of?


From the viewpoint of changing the governance system, some people may think of Ieyasu Tokugawa (built the Tokugawa Shogunate in 1603) and Takamori Saigo (succeeded the Meiji Restoration in 1868), etc.


The material to be introduced today "Jokyu War (Japanese only)" explains that Yasutoki Hojo (Regent of the Kamakura Shogunate) is the only revolutionary in Japan, because he defeated the imperial court in 1221.


Jokyu War is known as the first battle between Samurai troops and the force of Emperor.


Hojo beat Emperor troops up and implemented severe punishments for key members.


Most great people in Japanese history tried to get along with the Emperor, but Hojo knocked down the imperial court completely and controlled the imperial family.


Let's function PDCA today!


P.S. For those who are in the challenging situation, learning how Hojo survived will be helpful.


The great thing about Hojo is that he was a reputable politician while defeating the imperial force and penalized the main members severely.


Applying to the present, it might be similar that "Business person who drastically changed practices and wiped out the secularists, but he/she is not disliked by others”.


It is not easy to become the modern version of Hojo, but I think the point is whether you can be a polite challenger or not.


The challenger is a person who changes something, but in that case, it is the key whether or not the surroundings will move by saying "OK, I will do it, because that person is trying to change the situation better". 


For that, politeness is indispensable, and 3 key points will be greeting, thanking and praising, I suppose :-).
