PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 598「株式上場審査と内部統制監査で重視されるポイント」/ "Important points in IPO examination & internal control audit"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 598「『株式上場審査』『内部統制監査』で重視されるポイント」】


私は以前、金融機関で合併や分割などを行う「M&A(Mergers & Acquisitions)」の仕事に従事していたことがあります。


また、所属していた会社が合併、分割を複数回行ったことから、PMI(Post Merger Integration)と呼ばれる統合後のシナジーを最大化させ、企業価値を高めるためのプロセスにも携わっていました。






























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ビジネスを可視化する 業務フローチャートの書き方

ビジネスを可視化する 業務フローチャートの書き方

  • 作者:小田実
  • 発売日: 2020/11/13
  • メディア: 単行本


P.S. 世界中の経営者がM&Aを行っている背景には、「1から事業を作り上げる」ことがチャレンジングであることがあります。






< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「充足要件」=「sufficiency requirement」>


今回出てきた「充足要件」の英訳は、「sufficiency requirement」になります。


「審査や監査の充足要件を満たさない」を英語にする場合、「Does not meet audit and audit sufficiency requirements」とすればよいですね😊。  


ビジネスを可視化する 業務フローチャートの書き方

ビジネスを可視化する 業務フローチャートの書き方

  • 作者:小田実
  • 発売日: 2020/11/13
  • メディア: 単行本



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 598 "Important points in IPO examination & internal control audit"】


The material introduced today "How to write a business flow chart (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase "Visualize the business", and the following phrases were impressive in the part "Points to be emphasized in IPO examination and internal control audit".


"In IPO examination, it is required to create application materials, and in internal control audit represented by J-SOX, it is required to create business flow chart as one of the important ones of the so-called 3-piece set.


Business Flowchart visualizes business.


Generally, it is often used as a material for business manuals and business improvement, but it is especially important to create it as a material for IPO examination and internal control audit.


The biggest difference is that when creating a business manual or business improvement material, 'The creator and the user are both within the same organization', while in the stock listing examination and internal control audit, creator is an employee in the organization, but it is to be an expert outside the organization.


I dare to call it an expert because there are many professionals who have professional qualifications such as securities analysts and certified public accountants who are required to have social responsibility to perform examination and audit.


This is because the judgment of the house has a great impact on investors, employees, and members of the local government.


If the main users are employees within the same organization, for example, within the company, if the description of the flowchart is insufficient, it is possible to make oral supplements by taking advantage of the position of the same company member.


However, when used by an external expert for stock listing examinations, internal control audits, etc., the deficiencies in the flowchart may directly lead to the judgment that 'The requirements for satisfying examinations and audits are not met.'


Therefore, it is necessary to correctly describe the minimum necessary items when creating flowcharts for IPO examination and internal control audit." (Unquote)


Let's function PDCA today!   


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