PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 748「社長室のトイレ」/ "Bathroom in President's Office"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 748「社長室のトイレ






















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P.S. 私がニューヨークで働いていた時、元軍人の同僚たちが、靴やカバン、マグカップに至るまで、身の回りのものを、いつもピカピカに磨いていたことを思い出しました。




最初の職場で、私の机の上に物が散乱している際、当時の上司だったKさんがやってきて定規を使い、机の上の物を全部下に落としたことがありました(今こんなことをやったら、大変なことになるけど :-)。







< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「理念」 = 「philosophy」>




「企業理念」の英訳は「corporate philosophy」になりますが、これが浸透しているかどうかによって、その組織の成長が変わってくるのも面白いところですね😊。




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 748 "Bathroom in President's Office"

Since I was working for high net worth clients at the first workplace (bank), I visited quite a few companies from small business to big companies, and in many cases, I was sent to the president's office.


In the president's office, that company's philosophy was scattered, and one small business owner decorated his president's office with golden wallpaper.


At the other company, there were only pipe chairs in the president's office, and every office was truly various.


The material to be introduced today "There is nothing in my place (Japanese only)" is a comic, but it is useful for business persons and the following story was interesting.


The author was working in a very tough situation when she was in a small company and the president of that workplace was always saying that "We have to clean bathroom", and the shared bathrooms were shiny all the time.


When the author entered the bathroom only for the president by accident, that bathroom was not clean at all and that company's business didn't go well.


This book is also drawn about how to clean up personal belongings, etc., and it may be good to read it before the end of the year (In Japan, people tend to clean the house and it is a traditional custom😊.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. When I was working in New York, my former soldier colleagues were always polishing their belongings, such as shoes, bags and mugs all the time.


They said that "We have to clean our belongings, otherwise, we will make mistakes".


When I made mistakes at work, my surroundings were not clean, so I need to make my belongings shiny so that I would be a professional business person😊.
