【PDCA日記 Vol. 1,527「夢は結構かなう」】
ただ、「明るく楽しく日々を過ごせている」ことは確かであり、PDCAカフェの参加者の何人かは「Mr. PDCAは夢をかなえているように見えます」とコメントされることがあります。
PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください😊。https://twitter.com/MPdca
P.S. 過去のPDCA日記でも、社会関係資本(要するに、『コネ』)の重要性を紹介してきました。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「結構な確率で」=「with great probability」>
今回出てきた「結構な確率で」の英訳は、「with great probability」になります。
「夢は結構な確率でかなう」を英語にする場合、「Dreams come true with great probability」とすればよいですね😊。
Many people who come to PDCA cafe are serious about their jobs and sometimes we talk about the theme of "How can we make our dreams come true?"
It is true that I am having a bright and fun day every day and some of the participants at the PDCA cafe have commented that "Mr. PDCA seems to be fulfilling your dream".
The material to be introduced today "How to give up on dreams to learn from Crambolts (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase of "Dream is something that should be given up, and that's why it comes true" and the following phrases were impressive.
"Succeeded people had adventurous, sustained and flexible and kept curiosity, so they got natural consequences.
Opportunities and connections were born, because of this substructure." (Unquote)
Let's function PDCA today!
In case you would like to receive a notice at the time of PDCA Diary post, please utilize Twitter😊. https://twitter.com/MPdca
P.S. In the past PDCA diary, I have introduced the importance of social capital (in short, "connection").
According to the material "How to give up on dreams to learn from Crambolts", "Curiosity, sustainability, flexibility, optimism, and adventurous spirit" are mentioned as "five habits to obtain dream seeds".
The author of this book advocates that dreams can come true easier by "throwing away your commitment and increasing new opportunities."
I live with the motto "Every day is a new day", but I feel that I naturally have "curiosity, sustainability, flexibility, optimism, and adventurous spirit" 😊.