PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

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PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,966「性悪説 = 勉強で善なる存在になる?」/ "Cynicism = Studying makes people good?"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,966「性悪説 = 勉強で善なる存在になる?」


最近、MBA在学中の方が連絡をくれて、基礎科目の一つである「組織論(Organizational Behaviors)が苦手」というコメントがありました。





























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< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「アメとムチ」 = 「carrots and sticks


今回出てきた「アメとムチ」の英訳は、「carrots and sticks」になります。


アメとムチで管理する」を英語で表現する場合、「control with carrots and sticks」とすればよいですね😊。

PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,966 "Cynicism = Studying makes people good?"

Recently, an MBA student contacted me and commented that she is not good at one of the basic subjects, "Organizational Behaviors."


I quite liked the Organizational Behaviors class and remember making many remarks and embarrassing the professor.


In the Organizational Behaviors class, students will learn "Theory X, Theory Y" advocated by Douglas McGregor (1906-1964).


The conclusion is that "Theory X is more like the theory of evil (cynicism), and Theory Y is more like the theory of goodness."


Theory X says that humans are inherently lazy and need to be managed with carrots and sticks.


On the other hand, Theory Y is the idea that "human beings are inherently hard workers and try to solve problems by themselves for self-actualization."


As many of you may know, originally, the theory of good nature was put forward by Mencius, and the theory of bad nature was put forward by Xunzi.


However, Xunzi did not say that "human beings are evil no matter what others do".


It seems that the Confucian idea that "humans will become useless if they do not study" is behind the cynicism by Xunri.


If you want to know more about Theory X and Theory Y, please read the book “The Human Side of Enterprise”.


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