PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

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PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,965「弁証法 = 説得の技術」/ "Dialectic = Art of Persuasion"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,965「弁証法 = 説得の技術」






フランスではフランス語の授業を受けたのですが、教員から「読むべき」と勧められたのが今回紹介する資料「アリストテレス 弁論術」です。




アリストテレス 弁論術」の表紙に、弁証法についての解説が書かれています。







  1. 話し手の人柄
  2. 聞き手の気分
  3. 内容の正しさ



過去のブログで、交渉においては「1. 話し手の人柄」と「3. 内容の正しさ」が重要であることはお伝えしたような気がします。


アリストテレス 弁論術」が相手を説得する際、「2. 聞き手の気分」が重要と述べている点は参考になりますね。
















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< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「弁証法」 = 「dialectic




弁証法 = 説得の技術」を英語で表現する場合、「Dialectic = Art of Persuasion」とすればよいですね😊。

PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,965 "Dialectic = Art of Persuasion"

My last school was in France, and many students put quotes in their presentations and reports.


This seems to be the case for European universities as a whole, and it is a difference from the United States and Japan.


In France, I took a French class, and my teacher recommended me to read the material "The Art of Rhetoric," which I will introduce today.


This book is a masterpiece written 2500 years ago, and is also a representative work of Aristotle, a great ancient Greek philosopher along with Socrates and Plato.


A commentary on dialectics is written in the display of "Aristotle's rhetoric".


Aristotle defined dialectics as "the ability to find possible ways of persuasion in each case".


Aristotle also describes dialectics as the art of persuasion,' and explains that the following three points are important in persuading others.


<Important factors in persuading others>

  1. Personality of the speaker
  2. Mood of the listener
  3. Accuracy of content



In my past postings, I introduced that "1. Personality of the speaker" and "3. Accuracy of content" are important in negotiations.


It is helpful to note that "2. Mood of the listener" is important when we persuade others.


You may have heard the terms pathos, logos, and ethos.


Pathos is mood, emotion, and passion.


Logos refers to logic, and ethos refers to trust.


Aristotle said that "pathos (passion), logos (logic), and ethos (trust) are important when persuading others."


If you are an experienced sales person, you will understand that even if you make the same proposal, the answer will change depending on the listener's mood.


There is an opinion that "I can't help the listener's mood", but there are quite a few things that can be done.


When I was a banker, I had a challenging boss who tended to be good mood in the morning and rambunctious in the afternoon.


When we went to talk to this boss in the afternoon, we received challenging comments.


Naturally, I started talking to this boss in the morning, reducing the risk of getting mysterious comments.


If you're having trouble dealing with a difficult boss, pick up “The Art of Rhetoric”😊.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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