PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,635「裁判所を使わない債務整理」/ "Debt-workout out of court"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,635「裁判所を使わない債務整理」】




任意整理は裁判所を通さない債務整理で、 債務者が抱えている借金の金利分をカットし、3年程度の期間で返済していく方法のことです。








今回のPDCA日記を読まれて、「Mr. PDCAは財務整理にも詳しいのか?」と思われた人がいるかもしれません。










貸金業務取扱主任者の勉強をしていた時、まさかブログで債務整理の話を紹介することになるとは思いませんでしたけれどね 💰。






PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください😊。https://twitter.com/MPdca 



P.S. 日本でカードローンやキャッシングを利用している人は、およそ1,300万人いると言われています。












<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「債務整理」=「debt-workout」>




「裁判所を使わない債務整理」を英語にする場合、「Debt-workout out of court」とすればよいですね😊。



PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,635 "Debt-workout out of court"】


The reason why lenders (creditors) such as consumer finance companies respond to interest rate cuts is that if a debtor goes into bankruptcy, there is a risk that not only the interest rate but also the principal of the debt will not be returned at all.


The material introduced today "Introduction to Debt-Workout Learned from Cases (Japanese only)" has very easy-to-understand explanations using examples of debt-workouts such as bankruptcy, personal rehabilitation, and voluntary consolidation.


This book is recommended for those who work in the consumer finance industry, bank-related card loans corporations, and credit card related businesses.


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. You might be wondering, "Is Mr. PDCA also familiar with financial consolidation?"


To tell you the truth, I used to work at bank😊.


Since I was also working in the credit department at bank, I have experience in dealing with bad loans, and I am well versed in the practice of debt consolidation methods.


When I was studying for the money lending business, I didn't think that I would introduce the story of debt consolidation on my blog 💰.


It's interesting, because we never know what will happen in life😊.


It is said that there are about 13 million people using card loans and cashing in Japan.


It seems unreasonable to borrow money at an interest rate of 10% or more under this zero interest rate situation, but card loans and cashing seem to be widely used for daily payments in Japan.


The fact that many people borrow money at high interest rates means that some of them will not be able to repay it.


Since I was in the banking business for a long time, I am quite familiar with this area.


As you probably see ads on TV and the web in Japan, banks are eager to promote card loans and cashing to their clients.
