「PDCAの C ができない理由をよく考えていないことが問題なのだ。
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P.S. 思いつきで始めたプロジェクトでも、長続きするものがあり、この辺が世の中の面白いところです。
PDCA日記自体が、当初は彗星(どこからともななく現れ、いつの間にか消えるプロジェクト)の典型例であると多くの方が思っていたことでしょう(当の私が、アイデアどころか冗談半分で始めたくらいですから :-)。
人生何が起こるか分からないものですね、フッ :-)。
<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英単語「彗星」=「comet」>
定期的に地球周辺にやってくる彗星の話題が時々ニュースになっていますが、「~年に一度」という感じで周期性を英語で表す場合は、「once every ~ year(s)」というフレーズが便利です。
「あの彗星は、10年に一度地球の周辺に現れる」という意味の場合、「That comet appears once every ten years around the earth」という感じになりますね :-)。
彗星の話をすると、いつも藤井フミヤの名曲「Another Orion」を思い出します。
以前、カラオケに一緒に行ったことがある人から、「また、Another Orionを聞かせてください」と言われたことがある名曲です(私の曲ではないけれど、私は歌が得意です :-)。
「たとえどんなに離れていても~♪ あの星を見上げている~♪ いつでも~♪」
At the PDCA cafe the other day, one participant made the following interesting comments.
"I think that the word PDCA has been discussed recently in my workplace and this is a good sign for the organization.
However, I felt that this company is repeating only P (Plan) and D (Do). In many cases, there is no C (Check) or A (Action)."
The material to be introduced today “Mind of Executive Counselor (Japanese only)” explains the factors that cause situations where there is no PDCA's C as follows.
"The problem is that we are not thinking about why PDCA C cannot be functioning well.
The reason we cannot implement PDCA cycle is that P (Plan) is not becoming appropriate plans.
In many companies, employees are not implementing plans, but they are just executing their ideas.
Needless to say, there is no doubt that good ideas are important in the stage of planning.
If we have good ideas, the probability of success goes up.
However, there are many cases where only ideas are carried out and it would be a waste of time and money." (Unquote)
In the organizations where I supported as a consultant, there are many projects, but only a few of them have been continued for more than 1 year.
Since we are doing business, some plans could not be continued and it cannot be helped.
In such a case, it is important to conduct root cause analysis and properly report preventive measures to your managers.
Without root cause analysis and preventive measures, the same failure will happen around the organization.
Let's function PDCA today!
In case you would like to receive a notice at the time of PDCA Diary post, please utilize Twitter :-). https://twitter.com/MPdca
P.S. In case of PDCA diary, I had no concrete plan or idea, so I just started this project with half a joke, to tell you the truth :-).
This world is interesting enough, because this joking project (?) continues more than a year.
There are long-lasting projects that I started with in my mind, and this is an interesting part of the world.
The reason of continuity is simply because readers' comments and feedback are valuable for my business.
Nowadays, when I take a book, I first search for phrases that can be used in PDCA diary :-).
Life is interesting, because unexpected things happen :-).