【PDCA日記 Vol. 329「続けると無意識にできるようになる?」】
私の場合、(ほぼ)無意識の内に1日1冊本を読んでいますが、これは10年近く続けてきたおかげで(?)、無意識にできるようになりつつあると感じています(NHKの夜7時からのニュースを英語で聞くことも、20年以上ほぼ無意識で続けています :-)。
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- 作者: 守屋智敬
- 出版社/メーカー: 大和書房
- 発売日: 2017/10/21
- メディア: 単行本(ソフトカバー)
- この商品を含むブログを見る
お金がなくても人生は何とかなりますが(住所不定無職でも何とかなった私 :-)、健康でなければ何も始められません。
元気に明るく過ごすことが重要ですね :-)。
<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「無意識」=「unconscious」>
スポーツ選手の試合後のコメント等で、「無意識のうちに体が動きました(My body moved unconsciously)」という内容を耳にすることがありますが、「unconscious = 無意識」という単語は英語ニュースでも時々聞きます。
「unconscious」には「無意識」以外にも「気絶する」の意味があり、「彼女は突然、気絶した(She suddenly became unconscious)」という形でも使えます。
One participant who was at the PDCA cafe (Drinking coffee with me ☕ :-) asked the question that "Are there any tips to start something with continuity?"
I responded that "If you can keep doing something unconsciously, you will be able to continue for a long time".
In case of me, I have been reading a book everyday almost 10 years and this habit became a part of my daily life (?), so I might be reading books unconsciously.
The material to be introduced today "Your team does not go well due to unconscious thoughts (Japanese only)" reiterates that "The difference between what the company says and what it does is due to unconsciousness mainly".
Whether we are aware of this fact or not, most of our behaviors have been conducted unconsciously and just by knowing this tendency, the book explains that “You will be able to find a large number of discoveries at work".
I have introduced that “Luck comes from your mind” several times in the past PDCA diary and this material also mentions that "Good luck is not from only your own power, but from the power of others".
Let's function PDCA today!
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P.S. Some participant at PDCA cafe were complaining (?) to me by saying "Hey, Mr. PDCA, I am too busy for daily work and the company is cutting down expenses, so it is difficult to start new things".
This remark reminded me of the famous following words by a legendary Japanese entrepreneur Mr. Ichizo Kobayashi, who is a found of Hankyu Group (Japan's huge conglomerate started from Osaka).
"If you are not doing anything due to lack of money, you will not be able to to anything even if you have a lot of money."