PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 728「最初の発言とアジェンダ」/ "First Remarks & Agenda"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 728「最初の発言とアジェンダ










































アジェンダを事前に送付することで発生した最初のメリットは、「内容はいまいちよく分からないけれども、会合の前日に何かを送ってくる人(Mr. PDCA)」として参加者に私の名前を覚えてもらえることでした。










社会人1年目に5人の営業担当者のサポートをしながら、会合のアジェンダ作成を続けた結果、「Mr. PDCAは営業のアシスタントだけれども、デリバティブに詳しい」という理由から2年目に商品組成の業務に移ることになります。




























PDCA日記が更新されたら通知が欲しいという方がいましたので、そのような場合は Twitter をご利用ください😊。https://twitter.com/MPdca 



P.S. 先日ある方から、「PDCAカフェに参加したいのですが、Mr. PDCAは普通の人なのでしょうか?」という質問を頂きました。


Mr. PDCAは、意外(?)と普通です😊。




「自分のことを普通だという人間を、信用してはいけない」- スコット・フィッツジェラルド -


「よく変人と言われるけど、これが普通だと思っているから、いいんじゃないの」- Mr. PDCA -


 < Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「要点をまとめる」 = 「summarize the main points」>


今回出てきた「要点をまとめる」の英訳はいくつか候補がありますが、「summarize the main points」という表現が一つの方法になります。






PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 728 "First Remarks & Agenda"

When I was in Business School, students were evaluated by their remarks in most classes and the proportion was 70%.


Therefore, speaking excellent contents during class discussion was a key point to graduate with high grades. What I focused on the most was to speak at the beginning of class.


I started my career in the year of 2000 at US based financial institution and my first manager persistently ordered me to speak shortly at the beginning of meeting.


According to this manager, by making a short remark at the beginning of meeting, you can advance negotiations advantageously, and I continued this habit when I joined Business School as well.


I still remembered the agenda of the first meeting at bank in 2000, and its theme was "About customer explanation materials of callable coupon swap".


I was forced to participate in this meeting and I was not even aware of what my colleagues were talking about (← I thought that "coupon" of derivative was a "shopping coupon"!). I don't remember what I said in this meeting, but anyway I first said something.


Even at the next meeting, I continued the rule of "Speak briefly at the beginning", but my colleagues got embarrassed with the face "What on earth is this newcomer saying?"


I considered what to do in order to make meaningful remarks at the beginning of meeting, and I came to the conclusion that to "Create agenda".


By providing meeting agenda, I would be able to make a short remark at the beginning of conference by saying "All, this is today's meeting agenda".


I consulted this plan with my then manager and she said "OK", so I prepared agenda on the previous business day of the meeting (I am continuing this habit in the current project management work).


When I started creating agenda, I tried to gather information for meetings.


My first workplace was famous for providing financial products and services incorporating derivatives, and I gathered information including mathematical formulas and logic from relevant departments and made them easier for sales representatives to understand and explain to customers.


I prepared meeting materials by consulting with product representatives and started sharing meeting participants on agenda before the meeting.


The first merit of this habit was that participants started memorizing my name as Mr. PDCA, who sends something on the previous day before the meeting".


Also, I noticed that sharing meeting agenda led to shorten the time of conference and the minutes creation became smoothly.


By continuing this habit, some colleagues started commenting that "I would like to discuss these items in the next meeting" and I could getting a lot of information not only from sales sides, but also from departments of risk management and operations.


Since I prepared the meeting materials with product specialists, I started researching the scheme of derivatives by myself and I could understand the structure of complicated products such as exotic options.


As a result of continuing to create meeting agenda, my colleagues started realizing that "Mr. PDCA is an assistant in sales, but he is familiar with derivatives".


In the second year at bank, I transferred to the product department which was specialized in derivatives and I joined a mysterious product composition such as "Equity margin loan by pledging put option" and as a result, this experience led to my subsequent assignment in New York.


The material to be introduced today "Talk in 1 Minute (Japanese only)" has a catchphrase that "People do not listen to 80% of your story", "In case you cannot explain in a minute, no matter how long you talk, people cannot understand" and the following phrases were impressive.

"Presentation is neither a skill to announce in public nor a speaking skill. It is an ability to "move others".


A story that cannot be explained in 1 minute cannot not convey even if you speak hours after all. In other words, you can tell any stories in 1 minute.


People do not move with passion alone, but people cannot move by logic alone either.


(A method to shorten stories)
· Share premises with listeners
· Clarify the argument (conclusion)
· Prepare multiple grounds to explain your points (3 items if possible)


In order to reduce the number of words for presentation slides, it is a good idea to try seeing from the perspective of listeners. In case you cannot use the actual presentation room in advance, you had better check your slides in the similar size room.


If you can check the material with the projector in the similar room and look at it from the last row beforehand, you will see immediately the readable font size of slides from audience. (Unquote)


If you have many opportunities to make presentations at work, you can expect effects if you practice the contents of this book as it is.


In addition, I introduced the presentation skill in the past PDCA Diary, please use the contents as needed.


Let's function PDCA today!   


In case you would like to receive a notice at the time of PDCA Diary post, please utilize Twitter😊. https://twitter.com/MPdca  


The other day, I got a question that "I want to participate in the PDCA cafe. Is Mr. PDCA a normal person?"


Fortunately and unfortunately (?), Mr. PDCA is normal (laughs).


Anyone can come to the PDCA cafe and I am waiting for your folks.☕


"Do not trust people who are calling themselves as ordinary" - Scott Fitzgerald -


"It is often said that I am strange, but I think myself as ordinary" - Mr. PDCA -
