PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 727「目指すキャリアと目の前の仕事」/ "Leadership is a product of learning"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 727「目指すキャリアと目の前の仕事


PDCAカフェで頂く質問の一つとして、「Mr. PDCA(私のことね😊) は今後、どのようなキャリアを目指しているのですか?」というものがあります。










「歩き方を見れば、その人が自分の道を見つけたかどうかわかる。自分の目標に近づいた者はもはや歩くのではなく、踊っている」- ニーチェ -


「目の前の仕事への取り組み方で、その人が天職を見つけたかどうかわかる。天職に近づいた者はもはや働くのではなく、楽しんでいる」- Mr. PDCA -




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P.S. 仕事でチャレンジに直面している方は、今回紹介した「歩行する哲学」の一読をお勧めします。
















「昨日は去りました、明日はまだ来ていません。私たちにはただ、今日があるのみ。さあ、始めましょう」 - マザー・テレサ -


「昨日の朝食は、バターチキンカレーで美味しかったです。明日の朝食はスーパーの棚に何があるのか分からないので、決められません。さあ、今日の朝食であるクラムチャウダーを食べましょう。モグモグ」 - Mr. PDCA -


 < Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「意外な」 = 「surprising」>











PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 727 "Leadership is a product of learning"

At PDCA cafe, some participants asked me that "What is your future career plan?"


From the conclusion, I have no future career plan (When I told this, many people got surprised by saying "Really?").


I suppose that concentrating on the work in front of you will lead to the next career.


As I introduced in the PDCA Diary of the past, it is impossible to predict the future.


The material to be introduced today "Walking Philosophy (French available, but no English version..." is an unusual book that explain how historical giants walked such as Plato, Buddha, Seneca, Lao-tse, Montaigne, Descartes, Marx and the following phrases were impressive.


"If you look at the way of walking you will see if that person has found its way, those who have approached its goal no longer walk, but are dancing" - Nietzsche - (Unquote)


"If you look at the way of working in front of you, you will see if that person has found its vocation, those who have approached its vocation no longer work, but are enjoying" - Mr. PDCA -


Let's function PDCA today!   


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Astonish Yourself: 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life

Astonish Yourself: 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life



P.S. If you are facing challenges at work, I recommend you to read "Astonish Yourself: 101 Experiments in the Philosophy of Everyday Life" introduced this time.


"Greek philosopher Pyrrho, who appeared a little later than Aristotle, was walking side by side with his teacher, and the teacher fell down in the groove, but Pyrrho advanced without stopping. The teacher praised Pyrrho. They were not crazy, but they were skeptics." (Unquote)


The teacher praised Pyrron who did not help falling into the groove instead of accusing it.


Those who would like to know the reason why the teacher did not get angry at Pyrrho had better read this book, but in conclusion, it means "Because the fall has already happened".


We never know the future, and we cannot change the past, so let's focus on the work in front of us!


"Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today, let us begin." - Mother Teresa -


"The breakfast of yesterday was delicious with butter chicken curry. I can not decide breakfast for tomorrow, because I do not know what's on the shelf in the supermarket near Tokyo office. So, let's eat clam chowder which is today's breakfast. Yum, yum, yum..." - Mr. PDCA -
