PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 761「ベストを尽くすだけでは不十分?」/ "Is it not enough to do your best?"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 761「ベストを尽くすだけでは不十分?」】















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P.S. 今回紹介する資料「お金と引き寄せの法則」は、「不満についての不満も不満」などの哲学的な内容も含まれていますが、知っておくと気持ちの持ち方が楽になれる方法が紹介されています。






















< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「吐露する」=「speak out」>


今回出てきた「吐露する」の英訳は幾つか候補がありますが、「speak out」が一つの表現方法になります。


「Speak」と「speak out」の違いは、単純に「話す(speak)」ことと「強く言ったり、気持ちを吐き出す(speak out)」の差になりますね😊。




PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 761 "Is it not enough to do your best?"】


A person who started self-employment came to PDCA cafe and he mentioned that he was doing his best, but couldn't get results.


School exams have correct answers, but businesses do not have correct answers, so business judgments can be very challenging.


In case of business, we are supposed to consider that "Doing our best doesn't always work".


The material to be introduced today “The Law of Money & Attraction (Japanese only)” explains “the ultimate way to succeed in attracting wealth, health and work” and reiterates that “doing the best is not enough”.


This book also introduces that "If you feel rich, the richness comes to you", and that leads to the "Law that makes you happy if you smile (?)" Introduced in the past PDCA diary. I felt


Let's function PDCA today!   


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P.S. When I was working in New York, I took a training to forget what had happened in the past.


A coach who trained world-class tennis players came as an instructor and told us what kind of psychological situation the top tennis players are fighting.


The instructor explained that when you become a professional tennis player within the 30th place in the world, it seems that the difference in tennis skills will not be significant, and the difference will become more emotional.


Among them, it seems that switching feelings is the most important point, and that is why professional tennis players have the best mental coaches.


For business persons, I think sleep is the most efficient way to switch feelings.


One day at the PDCA cafe, there was a comment saying, "When something happens, I drink alcohol and forget about it."


I think there are various ways to switch feelings, but in my case it means going home early and going to bed 😊.
