PDCA日記 / PDCA Diary

継続は創造だ! / Continuity is Creation!

PDCA日記 / Diary Vol. 1,121「4人に1人がリファラル採用」/ "25% are hired by referral"

English follows Japanese.

PDCA日記 Vol. 1,121「4人に1人がリファラル採用」】









1. 採用コストを大幅に削減できる
2. 会社に合う人材を採用できる
3. 入社後の定着率が向上する
4. 会社の魅力と課題を見える化できる
5. 会社の魅力の継続的向上(経営改革の実現)
6. 幹部と社員が経営者目線をもつ(究極の人材育成)
7. みんなの心が1つになる


1. 採用できるまでに時間がかかる
2. 1年以内に大量採用することには向かない
3. 活動してくれる社員に負荷がかかる
4. 採用を間違えた場合にやめさせづらい
5. 今いる社員以上のレベルの人材は採りにくい


1. 友人・知人不採用による社員と友人・知人の関係悪化
2. 同一職場での仕事による社員と友人・知人の関係悪化
3. 友人・知人退職時の社員のモチベーション低下
4. 社員紹介の報奨金欲しさの会社に合わない友人・知人紹介
5. 良くない派閥の形成




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P.S. 私の家族は経営者が多く、レストラン、広告代理店、古書店等、業態は様々ですが、数年(?)に一度集まるといつも「良い人が来ない」という人材獲得談義が始まります。










<Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「派閥」=「faction」>


リファラル採用のリスクの最後で、「良くない派閥(faction)の形成」が取り上げられていましたが、これを英訳すると「Formation of undesirable factions」という感じになるでしょうか。


























PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 1,121 "25% are hired by referral"】


What I was thinking about when I was self-employed was that "Should I hire employees to expand the business, or is it better to keep doing by myself a little more?"


Recently, SNS has been drastically developed, so there is a need to pay for staffing companies to recruit employees.


At that time, I was listing up the candidate whom I used to work in my previous employer (bank), because I did not want to hire someone I was not acquainted with.


The material to be introduced today "Textbook of Referral Recruiting (Japanese only)" reiterates that "You are not supposed to hire people who you don't know".


At the same time, this book mentions that "28% in the United States and 24% in Japan have been hired by referrals”.


More and more companies are hiring employees by referral and this material describes the advantages, disadvantages and risks of referral hiring as follows.


<Advantages of referral hiring>
1. The cost of hiring can be significantly reduced
2. You can hire suitable people for companies
3. Retention rate after joining companies improves
4. You can visualize the attractiveness and challenges of companies
5. Continuous improvement of the attractiveness of companies (Realization of management reform)
6. Employees would have managerial perspectives (Ultimate human resource development)
7. Everyone's direction becomes one


<Disadvantages of referral hiring>
1. It takes time to complete hiring
2. Not suitable for mass adoption within 1 year
3. It will be a burden for employees who refer candidates
4. Hard to suspend the process if candidates are not suitable for companies
5. Difficult to hire more capable candidate than existing employees


<Risks of referral hiring>
1. Deterioration of the relationship between employees and referrers in case of not hiring
2. Possible deterioration of the relationship between employees and referrers by working in the same work place
3. Decreased employee motivation when retiring friends and acquaintances
4. Refer a friend or acquaintance who doesn't suit your company for rewards for employee introduction
5. Formation of undesirable factions


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P.S. My family members are running their businesses, and they are always saying that ”We cannot hire good people”.


Small business owners have no strength compared to huge companies in terms of compensation, so they need to find someone who will be fond of their companies and it is always challenging.


At the end of this book, “Successful Referral Recruitment Cases” were introduced, so it must be a helpful material for employees who are working in Human Resources related divisions and people who want to start new businesses in the future.
