English follows Japanese.
【PDCA日記 Vol. 22「360度評価の功罪」】
私の銀行員時代がそうですが、上司が部下を一方通行で評価する組織の場合、次の評価で改善するためにどうすればよいかという話し合いが、比較的やりやすいと感じています(良好な人間関係は、必須ですが :-)。
- 作者: ターシャ・ユーリック,中竹竜二,樋口武志
- 出版社/メーカー: 英治出版
- 発売日: 2019/06/26
- メディア: 単行本
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P.S. PDCAカフェでお話をしていると、色々な会社に所属している方々から、評価制度に関する意見を聞くことが結構あります。
色々な企業の方とお話していますが、人事部を中心として評価制度は苦労して設計されているにもかかわらず、完全に満足している人にいまだかつて会ったことはありません。」(Mr. PDCAコメント終わり)
資本主義市場から完全に正当な評価を受けたい場合、自営を始めたり、起業するという方法があります(今は、簡単にできます :-)。
ドストエフスキーが代表作「罪と罰〈上〉 (新潮文庫)」の中で、「人間はどんな状況にも慣れる」と言いましたが、「経営者になってすべて自分で判断する」ことにも慣れるものです :-)。
「社長は一回やるとやめられない」というのは、正しいと思います :-)。
< Mr. PDCAのボンジュール英語「360度評価 = 360-degree feedback」>
今回出てきた「360度評価」を英語にする場合、「360-degree feedback」とすることが一般的です。
「360度評価」を直訳すると、「360-degree evaluation」になりますが、「評価」部分は「feedback」にするほうが多いようです。
ちなみに、外資系企業で「評価」の話を英語でする場合、「appraisal(発音は『アプレイザル』という感じ)」という言葉もよく出てくるため、覚えておくと便利です :-)。
外資系企業の現実を知りたい方は、ご連絡ください :-)。
【PDCA (plan-do-check-action) Diary Vol. 22 "Pros & Cons of 360-degree feedback"】
As a corporate employee and a self-employed consultant, I have been evaluated from several companies.
In accordance with these experiences, I believe that the appraisal system is an indicator that represents the culture and characteristics of the organization.
In case of vertical hierarchical organizations (financial institutions, etc.), supervisors tend to evaluate their subordinates one way.
On the other hand, in case of a venture company, some are adopting unique appraisal system based on the intention of the management.
The material to be introduced today "Insight: The Surprising Truth About How Others See Us, How We See Ourselves, and Why the Answers Matter More Than We Think (English Edition)" has a catchphrase that "knowing yourself correctly and changing work then life will improve dramatically" and the following phrases related to 360-degree feedback were impressive.
"Although there are obvious advantages, 360-degree feedback has some drawbacks that can not be a tool for external self-awareness.
First of all, since many of the 360-degree feedback are expressed numerically, it would be difficult to receive results in a meaningful or actionable manner.
Employees tend to feel that 'Oh, the item of relationship building was 2 in 5 levels, but what does this mean? What should I do to change my behavior?' " (Unquote)
When superiors evaluate their subordinates in one way, it is relatively easy to discuss how to improve team members behaviors in the next evaluation :-).
On the other hand, in case of the 360-degree feedback, there is a tendency for the superior who gives feedback to have challenges to feedback effectively in the feedback interview with his or her subordinate, because bosses are likely to wonder that “Why is the final evaluation like this for this member?”
As is often the case with an organization which adopts one-way evaluation, employees tend to request 360-degree feedback as an alternative.
On the other hand, people who are working at the company using 360-degree feedback are like to be saying that "We should adopt one-way evaluation".
There is a saying of "The seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake" and we can also say that "The evaluation system is always better in somebody else's company" :-).
Let's function PDCA today!